ledpan 发表于 2016-5-4 20:07:28

COB LED Flood light 20-50W,part number和product number不是一回事?

Q: Hi Jack,
We received your product information.
We are looking for COB LED Flood light 20-50W and want to review your product(page 109-)
Can you offer the best price& delivery of 20-50W COB LED Flood Light.
明明有写product code就是产品型号,那么这里part number不是指的型号?物料号还是什么?part number和product number不是一回事?
A:应该有型号吧,我没做过COB。反正我们用的颗粒都有型号,而且分的很细,韩国必须带KC认证的,电源必须带KC认证   价格肯定不会低的。应该是问铝型材的型号,不同铝型材的散热性能不一样

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