芬兰LED照明灯具客户需要货物250W和500W LED射灯
芬兰LED照明灯具客户需要货物250W和500W LED射灯询盘标题:Outdoor Superdistance Narrow Beam 250W and 500W LED Spotlights
询盘时间:2016-07-10 14:39:02
买家国家: Finland
买家 I P:85.76.137.**
Dear Sirs
Regarding spotlights TS250 and TS500 I inquire:
* Minimum order quantity (at the moment need 2 or 3 pieces TS250 or TS500)
* Price per piece delivered DAT Helsinki Finland
* Payment methods
* What would be the illuminated area on an object at a distance of 150 meters from the lamp with beam angles 5 and 10 degrees
Details of the desired product:
* CCT 3000 Kelvin
* Beam angle 5 or 10 degrees (to be defined depending on light pattern)
Best regards
Mr. Jukka Ruuth
买家邮件:**** Hidden Message *****
只卖led strip的路过。 谢谢分享 买智能灯的路过 thank you very much 谢谢楼主 at the moment need 2 or 3 pieces..... take a look 谢谢分享,看看, thanks