美国加州LED照明灯具客户需T8 tube, LED lamp
Q: We are interested in a 1.219m, T8 tube, LED lamp compatible with 120V-347Velectronic instant ballasts.We are seeking just the glass tube with LED PCB strip installed and the end caps.
We do not require a transformer or driver.
We are interested in having this 1.219m, T8 tube, LED lamp manufactured to ourspecifications.
We have specified the following; LED chip, resistor, and shielded cable.
Please notice the HV trace. The HV trace needs to be a shielded cable:
We would like to place the following orders
Quantity Description
10 samples for review
500 product test
40,000 opening order
Our yearly sales would require a production rate of 1,000,000 lamps per year.
Please be so kind as to let us know if you can manufacture this 1.219m, T8 tube, LEDlamp to our specifications.
If so, what is your pricing and when could you have samples to ready to ship?
Please let us know if you have any questions.
B. Rgds,
Richard Ashoff
TylerCo, Inc.
17831 Sky Park Circle
Suite A
Irvine, CA 9261477.723.2900
Website: **** Hidden Message *****
A: 也是,不过还是觉得不真实
Q:每人看法不一样吧。也许可以试一把。如果你们公司体量跟得上。RAB采购当时和我介绍他们 公司采购量时也把我吓到了,感觉不真实。其实是自己工厂太小的原因。
aaaaaaaaaaaas tks very much thank a lot 谢谢分享