热门搜索: LED LED照明询盘 LED区域分布

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    发表于 2016-8-30 09:24:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    1楼. LED外贸电商2.0
    2. Tips for China,
    3. How To Choose Led Flexible Strip
    4. Six tips for choosing LED panel lights
    5. 利用GOOGLE和开发信开发客户:一个瑞士客户的开发全纪录
    6. 在瑞士发展XXX的品牌总经销商
    7.  在日本发展XXX品牌授权经销商
    8.  授权经销商合同样本
    9. 2014年6月广州国际照明展的11个看点
    10. 精准开发信,助我开发德国客户(2014.07.06更新)
    11. 我的巴塞尔记忆  

    1. LED外贸电商2.0






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    我用过的平台,有三家,阿里巴巴、中国制造网、环球市场。从使用的情况来看,阿里巴巴无疑是最好最强大的,虽然询盘质量参差不齐,但是偶尔会有大鱼出现,即使是最基本的29800元的套餐,在没有美工和高品质工厂的支撑下,效果也很不错。中国制造网,完全就是打酱油的,十几万的套餐,几乎没得询盘,而且询盘质量确实很低。环球市场,我也操作了三个月左右,上传了两三百个产品,而且很多竞争程度很高的关键词我都排在第一页,但是点击和询盘数量以及质量确实不能够令我满意;我用GOOGLE搜索了一下环球市场在LED strip, strip light, led panel, panel light这几个关键词上上的排名,在google的排名都没有在前三页,而阿里巴巴基本上都在前三页。环球资源网,口碑不错,不仅积累了一大批优秀的买家,而且杂志和展会也办的有口皆碑,但投入确实很高,一年十几万的套餐。


    通过LED MAGAZINES,LED MAGAZINE JAPAN, 等海内外知名LED行业、照明领域和建筑行业内的杂志打广告,来获取良好的推广,针对性非常强。在行业内知名的杂志上做专访和发表技术和商务性的文章。其他的杂志报价还在获取的过程中。
    在LED MAGAZINE上面,看到了我们的很多同行,如SIGNCOMPLEX,瑞丰光电,瑞梓光电。广告初步报价方案见附件1.
    巧妙的利用关键词和链接去推广整个网站在行业内的排名,关键词选取可以利用GOOGLE ADWORDS、在竞争对手和客户网站上截取关键词,链接推广可以利用YAHOO知识堂,行业内知名博客链接,论坛链接推广。在GOOGLE里面搜索一下,就可以看得到那些做搜索引擎优化做得比较好的LED公司了。
    利用自身对于中国LED行业市场情况的熟悉,组织CHAMBER OF COMMERCE on LED,组织各国的买家来中国采购,同时自己也分得一杯羹。
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     楼主| 发表于 2016-8-30 09:26:59 | 显示全部楼层
    5. 利用GOOGLE和开发信开发客户:一个瑞士客户的开发全纪录

    PASCAL: 第一个回合:开发信


    Good day!

    This is Pascal from XXXXXX Company.

    Have  you back yet?How is your business trips going?
    Reference to our conversation at HK Lighting fair.
    Here I want to continue our discussing about our distributorship.
    As you can see at our booth, we offer our patented led strip & led tube with very competitive price and good service after sales.
    Now we are looking for reliable business partners.
    We can support you by the ways of offering hi-quality products with unbeatable price and good market strategy!
    Please study our catalogue which we have showed in our booth carefully.
    Wish we can work together in our brightly future!
    Expect for your comments!

    MA: 第二个回合:客户的回复

    Dear Pascal

    Send me detailed information on your new LED strip and datacheets.

    I also have complete information on your new LED Tubes with CRI 90ra and data sheets, as well as prices on everything.

    Although information about our 5-year warranty.

    I will after this add sample orders to assess the products.

    PASCAL: 第三个回合:


    Thank  you very much for your timely reply!

    Pls kindly check our LED strips specification in the attachment!

    We also have 360 degree illumination LED tube with auto-breathing system.

    About the five years warranty, it is only for the common customers.

    For the distributers, we can give ten years warranty.

    Our products are patented products, you never worried about the similarity, we could support our distributors with very good sales strategy.

    Our head office located in shenzhen, our factory located in Xiamen, welcome you to visit our us!

    Thanks for your time, have a nice day!

    MA: 第四个回合:


    But can you send complete information on your new LED Tubes with CRI 90ra and data sheets, as well as prices on everything.

    PASCAL: 第五个回合:


    Thank you for your quick reply!
    Please kindly check the LED Tubes with CRI 90a specification in the attachment!

    Before I could give you the quotation, please kindly answer the question about the product.
    1.      What is the usage our strip&tube?

    2.      What is the working condition of our strip&tube?

    3.      What is the quantity of the requirement?

    4.      Are there any other details you would care about? Ex. The brightness, the outlook, the quality, the prices.

    Thank you for your time, best wishes!

    MA: 第六个回合:
    Dear Pascal

    I'm sending you answer below!

    But I want to know if you have your LED Tubes with 1500mm lengths as these, we sell the most of? Please give me the answer to this.

    Answers to your questions:
    We use a lot of LED strip and LED tubes in various customer projects. LED strips, much to the displays,. LED Tubes to customers who replace old fluorescent lamps save energy.

    Diffrent work conditions. everything from factories to small business owners. Most indoors.

    We will buy from 10-1000 pieces products every order. We always start with samples and then smaller orders for checks that everything is ok.

    We will be glad to look at other details when we bought samples and tested. We wish such as LED tubes with high Cri and very bright (= 1500mm 2500-3000lm) and 5-year warranty. Requests the life span of about 60-80000 hours with a maximum of 30% light loss.

    Hope you can give me answers to 1500mm LED tubes and prices.

    PASCAL: 第七个回合:


    Thank you very much for your timely reply!
    Our company produce 1500mm length LED tubes as you required.

    Are you doing a lot of projects?
    We have been asked to design the illumination solution for the American California College last year.
    According to our engineer's advice, if your projects are mainly indoor, IP33 LED strips will meet your demands.

    Our LED tube is of 90 CRI, 90-100lm/w.
    For the 2500-3000lm/tube, we have three options (28W, 30W, 32W) for you.
    Could you please kindly confirm the Walt and Quantity of the first order?

    Finally, I want to confirm with you about the life span of the LED tube, how many hours do you use everyday?
    Normally, the utmost of the LED chips can reach up to 100,000, the problem is that most of the Power supply device can't hold so long, do you have any good suggestions?
    Also it is known to all, 1500mm length is a specific type, and for the indoor illumination, most of the customers will not choose 2500-3000lm tube.
    So the product you want is a specific one, in the other words, the high-quality LED tube, which will cost you a lot of money.
    Do you have target price of this tube?

    So pls kindly consider the above questions and suggestions, and give me your confirmed quantity&specification.
    Thank you for your time!
    Best wishes!

    MA: 第八个回合:

    Hi again  

    I will start to place sample orders then we can talk later on Quantity and more

    PASCAL: 第九个回合:


    How are you today?
    As a gentleman, I want to ask you a sincere question: What makes you hesitate in choosing our products?

    MA: 第十个回合:

    Dear Pascal

    Lack of time in my other projects have done that I have not had time yet.

    I will add sample orders within a week. You are in the planning.

    PASCAL: 第十一个回合:


    Thank you for your reply!
    Waiting for you!

    MA: 第十二个回合:

    Hi Pascal

    I need to know the order number for your new Wstrip.

    I want to order different strengths with different numbers of diodes and 5meters rolls.

    Can you send me clearer order lists for this new Wstrip

    Will add when ordering on Wstrip and Wtube

    MA: 第十三个回合:

    Dear Pascal

    Hope you are fine?
    Have some new project for you!
    We have an important new customer case! They want to develop lighting to heating stand.
    Customers want an LED bar / strips that manage to sit in the heating cabinets
    Temperature as it is about 80 degrees.
    We want to put a light on all four levels of shelving. The width of the shelves is 300mm.
    The light will be lit 24 hours a day.
    Should withstand heat of 80 degrees and be IP65 rated
    Warm air follows the shelves out so it gets about 80 degrees on the underside of the shelves.
    Attention time may be around the clock in some stores.
    The sample is now being made for the seven-eleven so 16-24 hour burn time will probably be normal.
    The customer will need many of these to come.
    Can you talk to your technician at a good solution that can handle this and develop a alternative consisting of LED bars that have cables that must be mounted on one side and pulled down to the bottom of the machine with the power supply. You should also choose a power supply to this solution.

    PASCAL: 第十四个回合:


    Received, and I am talking with our researching manager now.
    Will get you back to you asap!

    MA: 第十五个回合:


    MA: 第十六个回合:

    Dear Pascal

    We have now decided to order the following products for testing.
    We wish now to make sample order below! Read all info below!
    Regarding PI:
    Send me PI on order including shipping cost.   
    We wish you order delivery with UPS, DHL, TNT or Fedex. You choose shipping where you have the best agreements for the lowest shipping price. You put shipping cost on the PI.
    Bank Addresses and BIC CODE (SWIFT) must appear on the PI.

    NOTE2 !
    Please send me the data sheet exactly on these models and Approval documents!
    We assume that you pack very carefully so the products are not damaged in shipping.
    Products are to be delivered in original boxes/ESC bags and with any instructions which must be included.


    2pcs roll (5Meter) of WS-7078-60LED-W, 14,4W/M, 180°, PCB color WHITE, Color Coldwhite 5500-6500K, Ra80, IP20, DC12V, 5M reel + ESD bag.

    1pcs roll (5Meter) of WS-7078-60LED-WW, 14,4W/M, 180°, PCB color WHITE, Color Warmwhite 3000-3200K, Ra80,IP20, DC12V, 5M reel + ESD bag.

    1pcs roll (5Meter) of WS-7078-60LED-RGB, 14,4W/M, 180°, PCB color WHITE, Color RGB, IP20-33, DC12V, 5M reel + ESD bag

    2pcs of LED Wtube 360° WT8-18W, 1200mm, Color temperature 3000K, CRI 95Ra, LEDs 144, Lumen 1728lm, Base G13, SINGLE SIDE)

    2pcs of LED Wtube 360° WT8-18W, 1200mm, Color temperature 4000-4500K, CRI 95Ra, LEDs 144, Lumen 1728lm, Base G13, SINGLE SIDE)

    4pcs of LED starter

    Importen regarding the LED Wtube!

    They must be connected for single 240V on one side. so you can not get an electric shock through the LED tube. See enclose documentation.
    We also need to get your certifications and approval of these LED tubes

    Please contact me as soon as you have time to reply.

    PASCAL: 第十七个回合:


    MA: 第十八个回合:



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     楼主| 发表于 2016-8-30 09:24:47 | 显示全部楼层
    2. Tips for China
    Nowadays, there are many customers who are starting to see China in a new light. There have always been customers that buy fixtures and components from Chinese manufacturers. But the country does have a reputation for being a minefield when it comes to doing business, and without good advice it can be hard to find quality suppliers. Buying in China can result in lots of profit when done well, but comes with its fair share of risk.

    Because this can be challenging, I’m going to share some tips on what to watch out for in China.

    NO 1. Not every Chinese factory is going to cheat you. Much of the co-operation fails more because of cultural differences and miscommunications. It’s important to ask the right questions, to whittle down the liars. Always ask where chips came from and if the supplier has an LED packing line, ask to see application records in the EU or US market.
    NO 2.Try to build your supply chain in either Shanghai and Shenzhen-Guangzhou. Be cautious about suppliers in the middle and west of China; it’s too risky. Many of the suppliers outside of the two main circles lack the necessary experience to work to international standards.
    NO 3. It isn’t all about the international light fairs. Don’t just go to the Hong Kong fair or Alibaba, but try to find good local brands that don’t have the bandwidth for an international presence but are making good quality products.
    NO 4. Local professional trading agents can be great if you need a hand communicating with suppliers. Many people get cheated because they are foreign. If you get a local on your side, it becomes much easier to solve problems.
    NO 5.Work with professionals. China’s economy is growing very quickly. Only the excellent international sales people are going to make it.
    NO 6. Understand Chinese culture and you will understand why things go wrong. If you’ve been cheated or plagiarised, or your goods have been delayed, understanding the culture may lead you to the source.
    NO 7. Don’t be tricked by fake warranties. These bits of paper don’t mean anything unless you’re working with real professionals. And even then, warranties are a danger-zone.
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     楼主| 发表于 2016-8-30 09:30:13 | 显示全部楼层
    10. 精准开发信,助我开发德国客户




    主题: To Mr XXX/ let us win in the turning point of the led business/ from Pascal hu

    This is Pascal hu from XXX, the top-10 LED lighting exporter in Shenzhen which was founded in  XXX. Until now, we have XXX working stuff, XXX of them are the researhing engineers. Every month, we will publish 2-3 new products according to the LED lighting industry trends, our product manager make investigations all over the Europe and USA, then design the lighting products together with our researching engineers. All our products was designed according the to EMC standfard, which is tested by our company's own EMC lab.

    As I checked your website, I find the following tips which can be improved:
    1. The description of the xxx light, I am working in the xxx light for more than two years, I have made all the investigations of the strip market all over the Europe. As I got the info from my friends and my investigation, big distributors or customers make more professional description of the led strip. Check their name: A(Germany), B(Germany), C(Germany).
    I have many advices of making the XXX light business in the professional way, if you interested at working with me, feel free to contact with me.
    2. For the led tube, your tube is only 80LM/W, 75-80 CRI, which is an obsolete. Now the main stream of the led tube is over 100LM/W, CRI>80 now. It seemed that your suppliers don't update the product on time.
    3. We had published the led grille light, it is specially for the supermarkets, or the office usage. The price is very competitive while the LM and CRI is very attractive, check it in the photos.

    Maybe we had never cooperated with each other before, let's make a change to catch up the trend of the era.

    Yours sincerely,


    Dear Pascal

    Thanks for contacting – please send your catalogue and quotation files. We appreciate to check the data.

    Best regards,


    Dear XXX,

    Please kindly check the quote in the attachment!
    About the catalogue, because it is around 60MB, so I uploaded it to the website, please kindly download it in the below link:

    Samples are available for the serious customer as you.
    I knew your office place, I had nearly been there when the time I supported my former customer in the Swiss Bau Fair in Basel, his office locate in (Zurich). I had already checked the competitors there when the last time I had been there, they are very competitive at the sourcing of the lighting products. Frankly speaking, I know Rheinfelden is very close to Basel. If we want to compete with your competitors in Basel or Germany, we have a lot of work to do.

    Yours sincerely,

    Dear XXX,

    Have you got the price list of the led tube and grille light?
    We had published a new series of led tube which is around 140lm/watt, would you be interested at it?

    Yours sincerely,


    Dear Pascal

    Thank you for your quick responses and sent material. We checked a part of the catalogue and are interested in further tests for some products.

    We are at the Moment in fact checking tube solutions, so we write on exactly the right time. Do you have a data sheet available, quotation of the new one? Which is your most, sellt tube model?

    What I see also as a challenge, is the diameter of the endcaps of the tube. If you using the tubes for parking stations with IP65 fixtures, seems to be not to fit if I see the picture - diameter of endcaps to large. Difficult to say from the picture but we have had this endcaps before - will see if we do tests.

    Thank you and best regards,


    - sent from my iPhone -


    Dear XXX,

    The latest T8 is called ST8, and another hot-selling tube is CT8.
    Please kindly check the data sheet and quote of ST8&CT8 in the attachment! If you worried at putting our led tube into the IP65 lighting fixture, please send us the photos of the fixture, we can revise the end caps.

    For the parking lot, we actually have more better solutions, we call it triproof lighting fixture, please check the data sheet in the attachment! It's 0.6, 1.0, 1.2, 1.5 meters available. The products are very hot-selling all over the Europe now.

    Waiting for your reply, best wishes!

    Yours sincerely,


    Dear Pascal

    We are interested in the products and would like to test some samples. Can you please send samples to XXX.
    We sell only frosted modells. Best would be ST- and CT8 models 600, 1200, 1500mm. Two of each in natural white or white .

    -Labeling : OEM as XXX marked if possible

    And two pcs of 30 Watt Natural white Triproof lighting fxiture.

    All details and further talks – I would highly appreciate after receiving the samples.

    Thank you very much,



    Dear XXX,

    Please kindly check the PI of the samples in the attachment!
    For the samples, we don't support Swico marked label, we will support you in the quantity order, is that okay? About the end caps of the ST8, there are four colors optional, which one would you prefer?
    When you finish the payment, please kindly send me the TT copy for me to proceed.

    Any question, feel free to contact with me.


    Dear Pascal

    Thank you. Blue colour would be great. In a future step with more quantities, maybe red colour possible. But further discussions after receiving the samples.

    Labeling. Just need a sample, how it would looks like. But understand thats for samples always efforts. Maybe you can send pictures or a drawing how it looks like.

    Test report or *.ies Files also support Professional impressions and are helpful.

    Payment will arranged asap. Happy to see the samples soon.

    Thank you and best regards,



    Dear XXXX,

    Blue color is okay, so is the red color.
    Please kindly check the IES file of CT8 and triproof lamp in the attachment!
    About the ST8, we don't have the IES file for the time being because it was published no more than a week, we are busy making the IES file, will update you very soon.
    By the way, have you arranged the payment of the sample? As it is the first time we cooperate, the next time, my company won't allow us to place the order before payment done. Please kindly do understand it. When we have some transactions, I can place the sample order without payment or send you one or two pcs of free samples.

    Yours sincerely,


    Dear Pascal

    Thank you very much for the files and your efforts. Payment is done. Please find receipt…
    Looking forward to the samples and happy to see it.

    Best regards,


    Dear XXX,

    Sample order had already been given to the manufacturing department, normally it can be ready at 5-10 working days. I will update you the status very soon.
    Thanks for your patience!

    Yours sincerely,


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     楼主| 发表于 2016-8-30 09:25:17 | 显示全部楼层
    3. How To Choose Led Flexible Strip
    LED Flexible strip, ribbons or tapes have become one of the most popular LED products available at the market. They did not only replace incandescent ribbons, but some of the fluorescent tubes as well, and definitely gave endless options for advertisements and decoration of bars, hotels, and other public places. With the fast development of the LED technology, they are now available in very bright versions too, allowing users to apply it as task, or in rare cases, even as a main source of lighting. Their application is popular both in home and commercial use, therefore we collected the main characteristics of strip lights consumers need to consider if they want to make the right choice.
    Depending on our purposes the following features may help us decide what we have to apply.
    1. The size or type of LED included
    2. The number of LEDs within a metre of the strip
    3. The colours or colour temperature of the LEDs
    4. The flexibility of the strip
    5. The direction of LEDs on the strip
    6. Carrying capacity - heavy duty
    7. IP rating
    8. Voltage
    9. Dimmers and controllers
    Of all the determining factors mentioned above, the most important is probably the type and size of the LED included, both of which determine its brightness or performance. This difference has already been discussed in one of our previous articles: how the performance of different LED technologies (low power, SMD power and high power) ranges, as well as the size of the diodes. Obviously, the more recent the technology of the LED is, and the bigger its size is, the brighter it will be.
    Another determining factor of the performance is of course the number of LEDs in the strip within a metre for instance. The higher this number is, the brighter the strip is, though extremely high numbers within a metre often require special technologies, like double width strips - where the LED are placed not just one after the other but in two or three rows next to each other. With strips including a high number of LED always check their arrangement, because LEDs placed too close to each other may emit too much heat and radically shorten the lifespan of the strip.
    The color range of the LED is now endless, since any color can be created with RGB technique. There are generally two or three shades of white available: bright or cold white - the bluish, really bright version of white, the warm white - which is rather yellowish like the sun, and the natural white - which is a combination of the two in various degrees. The temperature of the white colour is measured in Kelvin, and the higher color temperatures (from about 5000 K) are the cold, or bluish whites and the lower ones (2700 - 3000 K) are the warmer white colours.
    Single color LEDs are available in almost all colors now, but the RGB LED strips can also emit a large variety of colors. RGB strips need a controller to operate, and decide whether the color of the strip should be one constant color, or should change along with setting the pace of change. Special pixel RGB strips are able to change the color in a row, creating a run-down effect. The variety of color changes of the RGB strip largely depends on the knowledge of the controller too.
    The flexibility of the LED strips can be a determining factor in their application. Rigid strips are perfect for replacing fluorescent tubes for instance, though there is hardly anything you would not be able to do with a flexible strip either. On flat surfaces it is sometimes easier to work with rigid strips, though applied on ceilings or walls - I guess many of you have come across this problem before - what appears to be flat for the eye is far from straight once examined with a spirit level. So, flexibility is more often a grace than a burden. Strips are usually flexible to one dimension only, which is exactly she the direction of the LEDs can be significant. The most common types of strips have LEDs lighting upwards, so if for instance if you wish to enlighten a wheel you have to look for side-mounted or side-view strips to be able to shape them the right direction.
    The carrying capacity of strips is generally very low. Heavy-duty strip lights are not usually sold for home use, but much rather for commercial use on ships and in factories for instance. In home use, where carrying capacity matters - on an edge of a stair for instance - the use of profiles is the common solution.
    The IP rating of strips or any electric goods is made up of two numbers, indicating the degree of protection provided against the intrusion of solid objects (including body parts like hands and fingers), dust, accidental contact, and water in electrical enclosures.
    If you are planning to install strip lights at wet or humid places, outdoors, or maybe even under water, then your items need to be partially or completely waterproof. 100% waterproof items have the IP rating of 68.
    The Voltage of LED flexible strip should always be checked before application. Strips running at mains are often used, but most of the LED strips require a transformer, since they run at low voltage (usually 12 or 24 V). If your strips need a transformer, make sure it is suitable for LEDs, because electric transformers most of the time ruin LEDs.
    The variety of moods or atmospheres that can be created with strip lights is incredibly large and a lot depends on the accessories you use with them, like dimmers or controllers. Although the largest variety of RGB effects are created with panels, where there is no limit to the effects used other than our imagination, there is a lot you can do with strips too, applying complex controllers, like the DMX, allowing you to set the rhythm of color change to music. Dimming is always simply attainable, though most strips require a dimmer specifically manufactured for LEDs.
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     楼主| 发表于 2016-8-30 09:25:44 | 显示全部楼层
    4. Six tips for choosing LED panel lights

    As the LED panel lights was used for indoor illumination, which is totally different from the situation illumination, so the brightness is very important. There are two kinds of illumination for the LED panel lights, one is the direct lighting, the other is the side lighting. The direct lighting is cheaper, but too sharp for the human being's eye, so most of the manufacturer focused at the side lighting panel lights.
    The brightness has a great links with LED lumens and LED quantity, lamp beads, chip brand, packing, light guide plate. Also it is used for the commercial lighting usually, so you have consider of the appearance of the panel. Here are six tips for choosing LED panel lights:

    1. LED lumens and LED quantity
    Please kindly note it that a few manufacturers rise the working current to make the each lamp beads to get more brightness. In this case, the suppliers could decrease the quantity of the lamp beads, thus they can save a lot of costs. But in this way, the heat load of each lamp beads will become very big, which will shorten the lifespan and accelerate the light fades very seriously. Normally you will see bad results after three months.
    2. Lamp beads:
    There are thousands of LED lamps manufacturer, from small to big. Small factories don't have Spectrophotometric and color-separation machine, either they didn't care about the color, or they subcontract the parts, thus it is very difficult for them to guarantee the quality of the lamp beads. Big factories have Japanese, German, or American machines, it's more easy for them to control the quality.
    3. The chips brand:
    There are three main standard chips in China. The first-class team is mainly the American chips, Japanese chips, German chips, and other European chips. The second-class team is mainly the Taiwanese chips, Korean chips. The third-class team is mainly the Chinese chips. For the high-end market, most of the big manufacturers use the Taiwan chips, whose cost effective is the highest.
    4. The packings:
    Normally there are two kinds of packings, one is the resin packing, the other is silicone packing. The resin packing is cheaper compared to the silicone packing, but the heat radiating is not so good as the silicone packing.
    5. Light guide plate
    For the LED panel lights, you have to consider the CGI, which indicate the comfortable degree of your eye towards the LED panel lights. There are several types of light panel plates, such as silk-printing plate, laser dots plate, V-groove plate, high-polymer plate etc.The best is the silk-printing plate, of course it is the most expensive one. Its thickness mainly include 3mm, 4mm, 6mm, 8mm. The main factors to judge the plate is whether it can guide the light more efficiently and more even while the plate color and surface remain the same in a long time.
    6. Frames and other parts:
    Normally the manufacturer would use Aluminum 6063 or 6061 as the panel lights frame, nearly both two types are of the same standard. For the frame appearance, there are many styles, refer to our factory, we have the six styles, Simple style, European style, Narrow style, Thin-edge style, Non-frame style, Ceiling-hook style. The rear cover mainly have two types, 0.8mm and 1 mm, some use the steel material to save some cost.
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     楼主| 发表于 2016-8-30 09:27:26 | 显示全部楼层
    6. 在瑞士发展XXX的品牌总经销商

    Distributorship Approval:
    1. I would like you to sell the products under our brand for the first year. If you can show us that you can promote our brands very well in your country, we will give you the sole distributorship of your country for five years.
    2.About the EU market, you will also have the priority of gaining the sole distributorship on the same condition. For the time being, you can only be the sole
    distributorship in your country, for the EU market, you have the right to sell until we have the sole distributorship in these countries.

    Samples, showcases, brochures:
    1. We will make 3pcs of showcases, and we will take 50% of the cost, you take the rest, and you are in charge of the delivery.
    2. About the brochure,we pay 50%, you pay the rest. If you can reach the sales target, we will refund you. I also would like to know the quantities of the brochure for the start.
    3. We will provide the samples of the rigid bars.

    Product line:
    1. About the product line, I suggest you to take the following:
    Flexible strip: 3528 30leds/m, 60leds/m, 120leds/m, 240leds/m; 5050 30leds/m, 60leds/m, 120leds/m;
    Rigid bar: 15X7, 16X13, 17X8, 17X12, 23X12. Also I would like to suggest you to put some of our special strips on the showcase for the customer to do the lead order.  I suggest to take IP20, IP62, IP65, IP68 four types, because IP65 is much more flexible than IP68.
    2. Do you also want to take our LED panel light, LED ceiling light, LED down light, LED tube light?

    Price policy and strategy:
    1. The price I offered is the brand and agent price, which is much more competitive than the normal customers' price .
    2. About the price strategy, I would like to know the retailed price in your country, and normally how much percentage of the profit the reseller will take in your country.
    3. I need a little time to make the brand and agent price list, so here I would like to give you the normal price list to let you have the concept of our price.

    Marketing support:
    1. It's a wise idea to build a website to promote our products, we will add your website link to our homepage.
    2. Commission refund, we understand that the market need time to grow. We will make reasonable sales target, if you could finish our sales this years target, we will refund you 3% of the sales amount.
    3. Lead time support, your order will be finished at 5-7 working days compared to the normal 10-15 working days delivery.
    4. Payment support: We will accept 80% TT in advance, 20% 30 days L/C, compared to 100% TT in advance before shipment.

    签约总代理只是运营品牌的第一步,接下来的MARKETING PLAN就是能否成功运营品牌的关键了。
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     楼主| 发表于 2016-8-30 09:27:49 | 显示全部楼层
    7. 在日本发展XXX品牌授权经销商

    Distributorship Approval:
    1. I would like you to sell the products under our brand for the first year. If you can show us that you can promote our brands very well in your country, we will grant you the authorized distributorship of your country for five years.
    2. The first year is the trial period, if the customers purchase more than 200, 000 USD volume, they will automatically get the five years distributorship. If not, Shenzhen XXX Co., Ltd have the right to reconsider the conditions of the authorized distributorship.
    3. Customers should get 20% growth every year, if they can't reach the growth target, if not, the distributor can't get the bonus commission. If the distributor can't fullfil 80% of the yearly sales target, we have the right to reconsider the conditions of the authorized distributorship.
    4. If the customers can fullfil their yearly sales target, they will get 3% of the purchase volume for promoting the 'LEDMY' brands and our strips.

    Price policy and strategy:
    1. The price I offered is the brand and distributor price, which is much more competitive than the normal customers' price .
    2. The distrtibutor have the right to preserve the Japanese customers, it means all the inquiries from the same customers will naturally come to the distributors.

    Marketing support:
    1. Lead time support, your order will be finished at 5-7 working days compared to the normal 10-15 working days delivery.
    2. Payment support: We will accept 80% TT in advance, 20% 30 days L/C, compared to 100% TT in advance before shipment.

    Other conditions:

    1. For the OEM customers, we pay 5% commission for the price based on the OEM customers' price. If the you can pass the first year's trial period, we will handle over some Japanese customers to you. You can get the margin yourselves.
    2. The supplier should not appoint more than 5 distributors in the Japanese market, and also should inform the distributor the info of the new distributor. Also the price which we offered to the new distributor will be 5% plus due to the last distributor's price. All the conditions offered to the new distributors should not be better than the former distributors.
    3. For the OEM business our company now takes in the Japanese market, if you can become the exclusive distributor, you can get all of these customers.
    4. The brand distibutor have the right to participate any exhibition held by us, the number of the customers they can get is negotiable before the exhibition.
    5. We provide three years warranty for all our products.
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    2020-12-4 00:37
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     楼主| 发表于 2016-8-30 09:28:21 | 显示全部楼层
    8. 授权经销商合同样本


    Authorized Distributorship Contract

    - Hereinafter:
    Supplier: Shenzhen XXXCo., Ltd.                                    



    - Hereinafter:


    SUPPLIER is a manufacturer of luminaries and/or parts therefore. Distributor is interested in distributing the following products with ‘LEDMY’ brand:

    LED flexible strip light, LED rigid bar
    (Hereinafter: contractual products) exclusively from SUPPLIER and in selling them in ‘XXX’ name. Against this background the parties agree the following:

    1. The supplier expected $200, 000 yearly purchase volumes for the initial year, if the distributor can fulfill it, they will get five years authorized distributorship at a time. After the first trial year, the distributor can get 3% of purchase volume for the commission.

    2. The supplier expected 20% growth of the purchase volume from the distributor every year, if not; the distributor can't get the bonus commission. If the distributor can't fulfill 80% of the yearly purchase target, the supplier have the right to reconsider the conditions of the authorized distributorship.

    3. The distributor is authorized to represent supplier in the Japan market. The supplier should not appoint more than 5 distributors in the Japanese market, and also should inform the distributor the info of the new distributors. Also the price which we offered to the new distributor will be 5% plus due to the last distributor's price. All the conditions offered to the new distributors should not be better than the former distributors.

    4. The supplier will support the distributor in the lead time and payment terms:
    a. Lead time support: 5-7 working days compared to the normal 10-15 working days delivery.
    b. Payment support: 80% TT in advance, 20% 30 days L/C, compared to 100% TT in advance before shipment.

    5. The distributor have the right to participate any exhibition held by the supplier, the quantity of the customers they can get is negotiable before the exhibition.

    6. This contract shall be constructed according to the law of HONGKONG. The exclusive place of jurisdiction is HONGKONG.

    7. Should any provision of this contract be or become invalid or unenforceable, the validity of the contract shall remain unaffected. The parties undertake to replace in such a case any invalid or unenforceable provision, which comes closest to the meaning and the purpose of the provision to be replaced.

    8. This contract enters into force with effect from——————the contract is concluded for the duration of——————years. If the contract is not terminated               before expiration of the term, the contract will be prolonged by one year each time.

    Place, date

    Representative Signature:

    Company Chops:

    Place, date

    Representative Signature:

    Company Chops:
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     楼主| 发表于 2016-8-30 09:28:52 | 显示全部楼层
    9. 2014年6月广州国际照明展的11个看点(原创)

    1. Big companies, such as Osram, Toshiba, Cooper lighting, don't exhibit there. While Philips don't exhibit any exciting products.

    2. The big companies from China, only few of them exhibit the new and creative products. So it's not a good idea to find new suppliers there. It might be better if you decide to meet your vendors there.

    3. Many creative exporting manufacturer don't really exhibit in the fair, because of the copy problems.

    4. The exhibition is explosive, it is said that the market will explode totally from this year or the next. Although many EU&US customers failed to come because of the Frankfurt and Las Vegas Lighting fair, still there are many customers from all over the world. As it is known to all, the Frankfurt lighting fair was especially popular this year. The honey points of the led lighting business will come.

    5. The three forces of the manufacturer become more obvious. The center of the high-end manufacturing force is Shenzhen City. The medium-end is Jiangsu province. The low-end is Zhongshan city.

    6. A few companies exhibit many kinds of aluminium profile which is used with the led strip for the hotel&casino projects, jewellery showcases, etc.

    7. The panel light is widely promoted in the exhibition, the supply chain will become more and more mature, the cost will deduce very quickly. The panel light will capture a few part of the tube's market. Plus, the panel light with the white cloud&blue sky get the eyepoint of exhibition.

    8. The led bulbs&candle light which is similar to the traditional bulbs is widely exhibited, the efficiency and effect is very ideal. It will surely be the new spot of the market.

    9. The LED linear which is used for the office illumination appeared in many companies' booth.

    10. The angle of the spot light(MR16, GU10) is becoming smaller and smaller, such as 8, 16, 24, 45 degree etc.
    MR16, GU10 射灯的角度越来越小,展会上出现了8度,16度,24度,45度的射灯。

    11. Led Lights become smarter, the dimming system was widely packaged as a system in many companies' booth.
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