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    Welcome to LEDSTREET!
    LEDSTREET’s  new modular LED  lights system is up to 70% more energy efficient compared to  the  currently prevailing halogen lights.
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    Sauna LED light - Saunainter.com
    Equip  your sauna with an  illuminated water bowl, 4l capacity! The bowl is lit by  two LED  lights and is equipped with a remote control, with the help of  which  you can ...
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    Armytek  is renowned Canadian  brand, which established itself in a market of  high-quality LED  lights and accessories. The hallmark of Armytek flashlights  is  heavy duty ...
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    Voltalumen | kaasaegsed  pooljuhtvalgustuslahendused
    Summary.  Volta Lumen is a  developing Estonian company, which developes and produces  LED  lighting solutions. Our products have high reliability, efficacy and ...6 e' }/ a/ _% [
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    LED Lights
    About  Us Firma LEDmedia tegeleb  valgusdioodidel (LED) põhinevate toodete hulgi- ja  jaemüügiga. Me  pakume innovaatilisi lahendusi energiasäästlike valgustite ...
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    12ledlight.com • Главная страница
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    21  LED LAMP GU10 230V 2800K,  Siffer: SMB07, pcs, 0 kg ... Achieves immediately  full of light.  Lamp is not dimmable. Customers; Terms & Conditions;  Delivery;  Warranty;" ^# v$ y& [, _0 i
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    LED  technology is changing the  world of general lighting and opening up entirely  new  possibilities for lighting planning and luminaire design.
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    Oomipood - 1872256 - Cable, led light,  bare ends, dc,244360
    CABLE,  LED LIGHT, BARE ENDS,  DC: Connector Type A: Plug: Connector Type B: Free End:  Voltage  Rating: 60VDC: Current Rating: 2.5A: Cable Assembly Type: Low Voltage
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    Led light for seat, rear | Cycling tours  & bicycle rental
    Webshop  payments are temporary  accepted only by direct bank payments, City Bike Ltd,, h+ G- u' Z9 s6 M  ?
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    Buy  safety eyewear, safety  glasses, safety visors, safety welder's masks price in  Estonia.  Work glasses Peltor LED LIGHT
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    Modern Lighting Systems and Solutions |  Linea Light Group
    The  Linea Light Group plans and  creates modern interior and exterior lighting  systems, design  lamps and low-energy LED lights.; v: ?) T' t- B6 e( `0 d
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    Damage of photoreceptor-derived cells in  culture induced by ...
    9 Jun 2014 ... Our eyes are increasingly exposed to light from the emitting diode (LED) light of video display terminals (VDT) which contain much blue light.% p7 g* j! g3 J( x2 d/ l; J1 O- `% x
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    EU Directive | FAQ | OSRAM
    Are  LED lamps already an  alternative? Expand ... I don't like the cold light  emitted by  energy-saving bulbs (compact fluorescent lamps), what can I  do?  Expand., m0 f$ H/ x, V" K( z: z* I
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    LED-lambid, LED-pirnid, LED-valgus
    Pakume  laia LED-lampide ja  tarvikute valikut. Valgusdioodil (LED-il) on mitmeid  eeliseid  traditsiooniliste valgusallikate ees.  Kõrgekvaliteetsetel  LED-lampidel on ...2 v+ G2 t' S6 ~' P5 @6 D
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    ProLumina OÜ - LED Valgustite mÜÜk ja  paigaldus
    Kaasaegsed  LED- ja  valguslahendused. ... PROLUMINA. Hõõglampide hiilgeaeg on läbi.  See  on paratamatus, et juba lähiaastatel vahetab ebaefektiivse ja  mitte eriti ...
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    Prožektor 100W LED, Valgus: Külm  (63393715) - Osta.ee
    Energiatarve  : 100W Heledus :  11000Lumen LED- : Samsung Valgus: Külm Valgusvihu nurk : 160  1000W  halogeen Ekvivalent Võib kasutada koos+ {1 D8 u" C8 L
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    LED  riba 40W, soe valgus, 5m  pikk. Sooja valgusega LED riba; Riba võimsus 40W;  Riba pikkus 5  meetrit; LÕPUMÜÜK; 13.80 ...' ]+ {4 y& T! [8 ?3 j9 R
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    SU Valgus
    Since  from the beginning our  idea is to use dimmable LED light, that has low energy  consumption  and provides opportunity to change light intensity as needed.
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    Lugemislamp FL-55 FlexNeck Reguleeritav  LED valgus Carson
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    LED House - LED pirnid, ribad, valgustid
    LED  House OÜ Kadaka tee 3,  Tallinn 10621, Estonia - tel. +372 680 11 77. |* o' T. U3 i$ c! U
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    LED Makro Välk Valgus Rõngas Nikonile
    See  Led Makro Välk Rõngas on  ideaalne makro valgustus teie DSLR kaamerale. Rõngas  töötab  sujuvalt, tagades, stabiilse, heleda ning ühtlase valguse ...
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    VALGUSALLIKAD | Tehnikaekspert
    Arcas  Bicycle Lamp Set (5 x LED  headlight with rear light) / Functions: on,  blinking, off /  Visible distance: 10m / Angle of light: 60° / 6x AAA  batt.  included
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    Luxvalgus - Valgustid
    LED  Valgusallikad; LED  Valgustid; Vannitoa valgustid; Varia;  Välivalgustus.  Seinavalgustid; Süvistatavad valgustid;  Postivalgustid; Laevalgustid;  Alavalgustid ...+ ?. k* m1 x( ]- u/ L: |/ h7 E4 w
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    Moodne Valgustus
    Hind:  408,00 € Médard 1Lx LED  <500lm soevalge, valge Hind ... Hind: 490,91 €  Kurk süvist. 13W  LED valge, trafoga, soevalge valgus Hind: ...! g+ w8 b) w# N& D# P
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    Avaleht | Elektrowerk
    LED  Süvisvalgusti Kardan  2-fold, suunatav, MR16/GU5,3, 12V, max 2x50W. 35,00 ...
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    Led valgus leiliruumi. - Ehitusfoorum
    Tõepoolest  LED saunas igale  poole ei sobi. Maksimum temp,mida LED-id taluvad on kuskil  120  kraadi. Ja saunas on see maksimum just laes.Seega, lakke paigutamist ...
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    Ifö Eesti - ifo.ee - Tooted
    Ifö  Option peegelkapp Bas, LED valgus, valge Ifö Option peegelkapp Bas 60, LED  valgus, tamm Ifö Option peegelkapp OSSN 30. Ifö Option spegelskåp OSSN 603 F- W* B. S+ f$ [
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    LED pirn 220-240V, E27(soe valgus),  12W-75W regul ...
    LED  pirn 220-240V, E27(soe  valgus), 12W-75W regul. Verbatim. By buying this  product you can  collect up to 110 loyalty points. Your cart will total 110  points
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    LED Prozektor 100W - Ledvalgustid Led  pirnid ja valgustid
    LED  reflektor MCOB 100W/100V ~ 240V AC, 50/60Hz värvi temperatuur 4000 K  valgusvoog 6800 lm valgusvoog vastab umbes klassikalise 300W halogeen  valgustile …' h% |2 _  B5 t5 o& c
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    Valgus | E&T OÜ
    Valgusdiood  ehk LED (inglise k.  Light-Emitting Diode) on pooljuhtvalgusallikas.  Valgusdioodi  põhiosaks on legeeritud pooljuhtmaterjal. Valgus eraldub  p-n ...
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    Ledshop OÜ | LED valgustite tootmine,  maaletoomine ja müük.
    LED  valgustid nii sise- kui  välistingimustesse. Teostame projekte  disainvalgustusest  tööstusvalgustiteni. Küsige meilt parimat pakkumist!
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    Valgustugevuste võrdlustabel - Suunainfo
    Võrdluseks  kasutatud  halogeenlamp - Osram Classic ECO Superstar A säästulamp -  Osram  Dulux Superstar Classic A led-lamp - Osram LED Superstar  Classic ...1 R' n* e; F% @. y1 s9 y* [
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    SkyShine Lighting Co., Ltd -  Valgusreklaam, led reklaamid ...
    SkyShine  Lighting is a New  Green Energy Lighting Co., Ltd specialises in innovative  and green  lighting for unique and excellent Commercial and  Residential  projects.4 F1 t/ r4 t3 I# a/ A( f+ _
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    4-1442 LED Visor Light Instruction Sheet -  hallauto.ee
    Haztec  International Ltd,  Moorfield Estate Leeds LS19 7BN ... 4-1442 LED Visor Light  -  Instructions TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Overall Dimensions 280mm x 66mm …
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    HALED  Spotlight (LED) TM Halogen Spotlight Lighting Effects of HALED LED spotlight  VS other spotlights What are the advanced features of HALED spotlight?: @. a& `" @% ?  I
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    SIGNAL LIGHTSSIGNALLIGHTS LED Indicator  Panels Family …
    Engineering  (UK) Ltd.,  quotations can be requested from their sales department. When  ...  CAUTION: LED light units are sources of bright light, ...
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    30  LED bulb with GU10 mounting.  Warm light Consumption: 1.6W Luminous Intencity:  100 lm Compares  to 20 W halogen$ `- ^* F6 R9 |! l" l- q
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    UK  Gear Ltd. Vigor Purification  Tec. Inc. Services; Contacts; Eurosec Selected  items available on  webshop! Home > Lights ... Led Road Flare. Select to  compare.4 b& L9 y' V/ D, Q# u8 ~8 ~# i
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    MAX Lighting and Power Ltd - Complus  Systems Ltd
    Light  Crude Oil and Crude oil,  as well as refined products. Furthermore MAXLP is  ... both in  Europe and Asia. MAXLP LED Lighting in Car Parking of Milan  -  Italy ...+ j) u6 R' S' ~! I* \" S
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    DATA SHEET CLL163-A180A5-303M1A2-Z01 -  Marl Inter...
    21  Oct 2013 ... *2 Power  dissipation is the value when the LED is used within  the range of  the derating ..... the performance of LED's light output  and  lifetime.
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    Accessories for Harvia Cilindro - now  available with LED ...
    Wood  material is heat-treated  aspen. Safety railings are now available as LED  lighted versions  HPC3L and HPC4L. The downwards beamed light emphasizes   ...
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    Work light LED 18W - AS Eemeli
    Categories.  Car supplies.  Batteries; Battery chargers. Smart battery chargers;  Ordinary  battery chargers) p6 s3 U" N& E4 {* ]
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    Hi-Tech Blog
    It’s  evidently the same slim,  light slice of tech, ... LED backlight; Ports and  connectors:  MagSafe, Thunderbolt, 2xUSB 2.0, memory card reader format  SDXC,  ..." \8 ^) A9 A( \
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    Duravit - Systems
    The  strong colours of the  optional LED coloured light (4) create a relaxing ...  which are  included as standard, as well as white light and the back and  foot  ...
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    Illumination Fundamentals - Optical Design
    LEDs  (Light-Emitting  Diodes)........................................ .... Figure  5.10 —  Typical LED shapes. ... wavelengths than visible radiation (light),  as  shown in Figure 1.1.
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    November 2006 Estonia Today - VM
    Estonia Today ... Danish rotation scheme and Estonian military police unit  ESTPATROL operates in the Italian-led ... Estonia deployed a light infantry  ...
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    All  Datasheet. Optoelectronics  1 ... LED Light Bulbs ... VM: VN: VO: VP: VQ: VR:  VS: VT: VU: VV:  VW: VX: VY: VZ: W: W0: W1: W2: W3: W4: W5: W6: W7: W8: W9: …/ z$ g2 M& q' y1 y, W
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    Technical regulations 2015 BMW 325 CUP 1.  GENERAL 1.2 …
    FIA  VM Appendix J Art ...  3.3.3Additional brake light is mandatory and must be  installed ...  The additional brake light must have 15 W bulb or LED element  with  ...
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    SP C730DN
    LED  technology results ... that  the main power shuts down when the light levels  in the ... VM  Card, Netware, Pictbridge, IPDS unit CONSUMABLES Toner  capacity:  Black ...
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    HP is Transforming the Server Market
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    Sonim XP 1300 Core must | palmtek.ee |  tehnika liikuvale ...
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    Kood:  VM-24HC. 32-tolline (81,3  cm) LCD teler. Rendihind: 40.00 EUR/päev. Kood:  32LD81. ... LED  Light Bar RGB. Rendihind: 10.00 EUR/päev. Kood: LED Bar. LED  ...$ E6 j/ G9 R, Z) p% Z7 Y3 h% Y
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    Im Zeichen der Sicherheit In the name of  safety
    S-LED  DLE HX KB KB inkl. KBG VM  / VX. Ab 1991 werden am zweiten Standort in  Thüringen Stromversor-  ... High light output combined with low power  consumption, no9 ~0 N" M5 P% R# x; d6 ?: {8 z; m
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    estonia - Superkross Cup Challenge  Rear lights equipped  with LED are ... The minimum illuminated area of  each  non-original rear light must be 60 ... (FIA VM Lisa J Art.255 p.10  and  ...
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    OTSI: led - Sisustusweb.ee
    Leia  endale sobiv LED disainvalgusti Hektor Light tootevalikust. ... LED-i  eeliseks on teatavasti vähene energiakulu ja väga pikk kasutusiga 25 000 ...
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