美国LED照明灯具HOMEDEPOT求购太阳能灯具 Good Day, 3 @9 S2 h7 \- D2 w
I am looking to order pre-wired displays for the following items. Champagne Solar Light - GX-2015-C
+ u" i6 u4 n- T5 z - 842674077151
4 [* |7 t* P1 W# F0 q! [ - 10007185846 `( p `$ L7 B2 W/ |. {
Solar Deck Post - GX-4511-2PK-C
0 v& }1 v! o- u - 8426740339113 V: l! u4 d' E+ u: R! q5 b
- 1000718584 Z( s4 e2 z7 j9 A, S0 e
I hope you are able to assist me in this matter or point me in the right direction. If it is possible to ship these displays please send to, # b- u+ ?2 g% \- M: ?3 g
Home Depot 7088 St. Albert Road St. Albert, Alberta, Canada T8N 7H5 (780)458-4026 ATTN: Lindsay MET -' n/ E, {% j* ^# U
Regards, / _4 z8 S9 h* m# T' S5 o
Lindsay Reid
5 ~& D+ h! n; m7 c* J3 T2 D3 @MET - Merchandising Execution Area Supervisor | Canada West | Vendor Services Home Depot Canada | District 191 – Store 7088 780-458-4026 750 St. Albert Road St. Albert AB T8N 7H5 |