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    给外贸LED业务员分享中欧瑞典LED Indoor Lighting室内灯具照明网站
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    Halten Sie mich über zukünftige Aktionen, Neuigkeiten und  Angebote auf dem Laufenden.
    Indoor Light - Scientific.Net: Materials Science
    Indoor Light. Papers by Keyword: Paper Title Page Smart Control  for Wireless Indoor Lighting System Based on ZigBee Technology. Authors: Dan  Liu, Hong Yu ...
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    Parans Solar Lighting. Imagine an indoor atmosphere where the  variation of outdoor light is always present ? Or a house that has sunlight  in every room.
    Lighting - H2i technologies, Touchless …
    Outdoor Lighting (industrial & street lighting)  Architectural Lighting; Indoor Lighting (floor, desk, table, decorative  lamps, etc.) ...
    · PDF Dateilighting design A soft and diffuse light to  enhance every type of architecture Pendulair Ø 160cm - lighting char  pendulair by airstar Applications
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    4 Indoor Tennis Courts (year round) with Bross Slide Flooring  (Carpet), illuminated with State of the Art Swiss Tournament lighting. 2  Indoor Squash Courts ...
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    · PDF DateiIndoor Natural Light Penetration: Simulation  Analysis for Light-Shelves Hanan Mustafa Kamal Sabry ... occupants' lighting  quality and quantity, i.e. energy-
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    Technical guidelines of an ice rink
    · PDF DateiIndoor air design values for small ice rink  (rink space). ... ponents are: the convective heat load of the ice rink air  temperature, lighting, ice maintenance, ground
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    LED Product fields - SES AG - Ihr Partner für  ...
    LED Product fields. Swiss Energy Solution AG places great  importance on quality which is reflected in our top-class and reliable  products. ... LED Indoor lighting .
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    Indoor Lighting – Wellbeing . Uring the best light for any  ambiance this is what optimized LED light sources can provide. • Indoor  lighting designs/ concepts
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    · PDF DateiSustainable Indoor Lighting Green Energy and  Technology Um die Energieeffi zienz und Nachhal-tigkeit unterschiedlicher  Innenraum-Be-leuchtungstechnologien zu besprechen,
    INDOOR UNIT - Hitachi Klimageräte by Charles  Hasler ...
    · PDF DateiINDOOR UNIT MODEL RAK-18NH6 RAK-25NH6 RAK-35NH6  RAK-50NH6 Instruction manual Page 1~26 ... If indoor lighting is controlled  electronically, the range of …
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    www.koubachi.com/products/indoor The Koubachi Plant Sensors  measure soil moisture, sunlight, infrared light, ... Koubachi Wi-Fi Plant  Sensor 2 Indoor is for indoor use only.
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    www.swissledpower.ch/index.php/fr/outdoor-lightPanel Light;  Indoor light; Outdoor Light; Led Controller series; Led Strip; Bulbs; Rigid  Bar; Outdoor Light ِAll right reserved swissledpower.ch © 2011 E-mail : ...
    Colour Rendering of Spectra (specrend) -  Fourmilab
    www.fourmilab.ch/documents/specrend A task as simple as  rendering a scene under a variety of light sources: daylight, incandescent  and fluorescent indoor lighting ... Chromaticity coordinates Figure 2.
    Mexxotech - LED Lamps
    www.mexxotech.com/english/led-lamps S-Series Indoor Light.  X-Series Ceiling Light. LEFEAMO. F-72 Streetlight. LED Spot SP. FLE. Path  Light EASY. Hall Light HPL. ... The range of Mexxogen LED lights is ...
    Intercolux AG: Innenbeleuchtung
    français. Neuheiten; Produkte; Newsletter; Katalogbestellung;  Impressionen ... Sie sind hier: Home Produkte Innenbeleuchtung
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    Innenbeleuchtung - OBI - Start
    Licht kann Wunder wirken Licht gehört zur Einrichtung eines  jeden Hauses und kann bewirken, dass wir einen Raum als gemütlich oder  steril, warm oder kalt, angenehm ...
    Innenbeleuchtung - Leuchten / Einbaustrahler /  LED ...
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    LED Innenbeleuchtung. Ein Zug ohne Innenbeleuchtung geht gar  nicht. Aus diesem Grund habe ich angefangen, meine Personenwagen mit  Innenbeleuchtungen …
    INNENBELEUCHTUNG - Günstig Innenbeleuchtung auf  …
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    LED-Engineering. Werner Rauber Alpenblickstr. 75 8340 Hinwil Tel  0041(0) 44 977 19 77 Fax 0041(0) 44 977 19 79 rauber@ledengineering.ch
    LED Innenbeleuchtung - LEDlightpower GmbH
    LED Profile werden benötigt um LED Streifen perfekt zu  montieren. Da auch ein LED Streifen gewisse Wärme abgibt, muss diese  abgeleitet werden.
    Produkte: Innenbeleuchtung - Elektro Pfiffner AG  - www ...
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    Für die richtige Innenbeleuchtung konzipieren unsere Experten  ein passendes, gut durchdachtes Lichtkonzept. Lassen Sie sich in der Bauarena  fachgerecht beraten.
    SEAT Schweiz -> Der neue SEAT Leon ST. Der  Kombi. Das ...
    Der Leon ST FR lässt Ihnen sogar bei der Farbe der  Innenbeleuchtung die Wahl, je nach Ihrer augenblicklichen Stimmung können Sie  die Farbe im Fahrprofil auswählen.
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    Entdecken Sie Philips Signal- und Innenbeleuchtung. Erfahren  Sie, warum diese Signal- und Innenbeleuchtung Ihren Bedürfnissen entsprechen.  Sie können online ...
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    15 Treffer für innenbeleuchtung (aussenbeleuchtung, licht,  beleuchtung, beleuchtungen)
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    Innenbeleuchtung. Hier finden Sie ein umfassendes Sortiment aus  dem Bereich LED Innenbeleuchtung: LED Panels, LED Schienenstrahler, LED  Hallenstrahler, LED …
    Innenbeleuchtung - Elektrokomponenten.ch
    Willkommen auf dem Online-Shop - elektrokomponenten.ch Mit  unserer Lichttechnik bieten wir Ihnen ein vielfältiges und umfangreiches  Spektrum an Lichtlösungen mit ...
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    Als Variante zu den stromführenden Kupplungen besteht die  Möglichkeit, die Magnet-kupplungen von HAG einzusetzen. Auf den Bildern ist  die esu-Innenbeleuchtung …
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    Innenbeleuchtung | Romica
    Entdecken Sie, wie die LED-Beleuchtungen Ihre Büros und die  Schönheit der Außenräume hervorheben und wie sie den Restaurants, Hotels und  Industrien …
    OBI - Innenbeleuchtung
    Licht kann Wunder wirken. Licht gehört zur Einrichtung eines  jeden Hauses und kann bewirken, dass wir einen Raum als gemütlich oder  steril, warm oder kalt, ...
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    Lunartec Schweiz - Licht-Dekoration,...www.lunartec.ch Lunartec bietet Ihnen alles, was Sie für Lichter  brauchen: Licht-Dekoration, Aussenbeleuchtung, Innenbeleuchtung,  Taschenlampen und Leuchtmittel.http://www.lunartec.ch/
    Home - Proflight AG - Ihr LED-Spezialist!LED-Leuchten Indoor. LED-Leuchten Outdoor. LED-Leuchtmittel.  LED-Strips. ... Proflight AG Chamerstrasse 115 6300 Zug. Tel. +41 41 761 22  22: Fax +41 41 761 23 23: www ...http://www.proflight.ch/
    WLG-FLOOD LIGHT-JZ - Worldledgroup.chSuitable for lighting in offices, business. 1. Produced in a  wide range of power, LED lights can be used for all types of indoor and  outdoor lighting for commercial ...http://www.worldledgroup.ch/
    Ledagio – die kabellose Design-Lampe für …Indoor; NEW: LEDAGIO ART-Line; ... Handmade in Switzerland the  LEDAGIO Lighting Sculptures convince by perfect craftsmanship and ... Ottiger  & Partner BSW AG ...http://www.ledagio.ch/
    Simpex Electronic AGSimpex Electronic AG, Stromversorgungen, Power Supplies,  Elektromechanische Komponenten, ... LED office lighting, indoor LED  decorative lighting, and etc.http://www.simpex.ch/
    Room climate, lighting, shading | SAUTER …Fr. Sauter AG [Alt + 0] - Startseite [Alt + 1] ... Transducer  for indoor air quality. ... Room climate, lighting, shading;http://www.sauter-controls.com/
    Rack for indoor installation - SWAN Systeme AG· PDF DateiRack for indoor installation ... Lighting  Leveling elements ... SWAN Systeme AG CH-8340 Hinwil/Switzerland Tel. +41 44  943 62 00http://www.swansystems.ch/
    Daylight HMI - kobold event - Bron …Daylight HMI; Daylight CDM-T; ... kobold event; Products;  Daylight HMI; ... all-purpose event fixture for indoor and outdoor lighting.http://www.bron.ch/
    ALBATROS » Schenker Storen AGIndoor blinds; Solar blind drives; MINERGIE® modules; Electronic  controls; ... Party lighting or fluorescent lighting available. 1400 W  infrared radiant heater ...http://www.storen.ch/
    Presseinformation - Jansen· DOC Datei · Jansen Campus: VISS SG facades allow  the maximum of daylight to enter and therefore guarantee agreeably bright  indoor lighting conditions. Client: Jansen AG, ...http://www.jansen.com/
    Tennis & Squash - Kempinski Residences …The four indoor courts are fitted with a carpet surface and  illuminated by competition grade lighting. ... of the two indoor courts ...  AG ...http://www.kempinski-residences.ch/
    Indoor fountain lightsstaub designlight ag ... Products / Indoor fountain lights. Set  the mood for indoor fountains, plant pots, conservatories, etc. with creative  lighting effects. Download ...http://www.staub-designlight.ch/
    Lighting design :: Tulux AG | Licht.LumièreOur trained lighting designers develop lighting projects geared  towards ... They observe the applicable standards for both indoor and outdoor  lighting and focus ...http://www.tulux.ch/
    13 AG 1003 BA_INTERIEUR.qxd: DCNS#55 - Centre for  ...Keywords: circadian rhythm; daylight; bright light; indoor  lighting; zeitge- ber; entrainment ... light therapy; circadian rhythm sleep  disorder; affective disorder.http://www.chronobiology.ch
    Modernlight - Eventtechnik,  Veranstaltungstechnik, ...Von ganz klein bis ganz gross, indoor und outdoor, fix  installiert oder temporär aufgebaut. Dank langjähriger Erfahrung und einem  modernen Materialpool ...http://www.modernlight.ch/
    DATENBLATT - AWAG Elektrotechnik AG· PDF Dateiand is intended to control indoor lighting. The  light sensor 43-197 has screw terminal connection, so there is no ... AWAG  Elektrotechnik AG Dämmerungsschalter DINhttp://www.awag.ch/
    StellenAnzeiger.ch - Das Original mit Stellen  und Jobs ...Produktmanager (m/w) Indoor Lighting Cont... [ Search Jobs ]  (Please note: ... Heiniger Unternehmensberatung AG >*Swisselect  AG:Gemeinde BUOCHS II *Itelligence AG;http://www.stellenanzeiger.ch/
    Dockyard as event location for rent - ZSGDockyard as event location for rent; ... Basic indoor lighting  is included in the rent. ... Zürichsee-Schifffahrtsgesellschaft AG, ...https://www.zsg.ch/
    Bluetooth SMART Advertise-Only Beacon Reference  Design· PDF DateiBluetooth SMART Advertise-Only ... energy from  typical indoor lighting. Silver-Oxide, Zinc-Air, ... (now ams AG) TSL12T and  has an ...http://www.emmicroelectronic.com/
    EXEL LED LUMINAIRES power saving : …General indoor lighting, offices, retail Save Energy BY UP TO  80%! ... ENERGEX Energiespartechnik GmbH - Industriestr. 12 - 89081 Ulm -  info@energex24.com - Fon: ...http://www.energex24.com/
    gastrokonzept gmbh - architektur & designIndoor architecture and Design, idea development ... Lighting  concept, complete electro ... gastrokonzept gmbhhttp://www.gastrokonzept.ch/
    Veranstaltungstechnik - Home - Raumfinder - Die  Online ...Konnex GmbH. Wir sind kreativ ... Günstige Lasertechnik und  Indoor-/Outdoor-Feuerwerk mit 10 Jahre Know-How, absolut unabhängig. ...  Foton Lighting D. Keller.http://www.raumfinder.ch/
    Seifert Systems: Control cabinet cooling …Our Products; About Seifert; ... They can be used both in  outdoor and indoor applications. Cooling units ... Control Cabinet Lighting.http://seifertsystems.com/
    Shopping - Gstaad - SchweizIndoor; Outdoor. PistenBully experience; Excursions; ... altec  gmbh Bolgengasse 27, ... Repairs and small installations, Network  installations, Lighting, ...http://www.gstaad.ch/
    Perfect image with our slim light sign systems -  ...Illuminated Signs, poster frames, light boxes and many more  signs. ... allows you to build customised light boxes for store or  indoor/outdoor lighting applications.http://www.suncoat.ch/
    Asvito Light | Asvito ConsultingAsvito Light is active in the LED market since 2011 and has  offices in Milano, Italy, and Zug, Switzerland. Through ... Our Partner  Aurora Lighting: Innovative LED Products in the Indoor Lighting Area ...  Created by: it Company Zug GmbH.http://asvito.ch/
    Tridonic - Company profileAs pioneer of digital lighting control we are now focusing  increasingly on LEDs as ... highest quality requirements for indoor and  outdoor lighting in reference installations ... Tridonic GmbH & Co KG has  its headquarters in Dornbirn in Austria.http://www.tridonic.ch/
    ACRIFIX 1R 9019 - Home - Röhm Schweiz AG· PDF DateiGmbH sind nur für deren Halbzeuge aus  PLEXIGLAS® GS und PLEXIGLAS® XT entwickelt und auf deren spezielle  Eigenschaften ... diffuse indoor lighting) ~30min.http://www.roehmschweiz.ch/
    Ø 56 5 mm 220 Ø 280 - Startseite - GLASHÜTTE  LIMBURG· PDF DateiLeuchten GmbH + Co. KG Postfach 1463 · 65534  Limburg ... DIALux for indoor lighting as well as luminaire data in EULUMDAT  and IES-format you willhttp://www.glashuette-limburg.ch/
    Leuchten GmbH + Co. KG Gebrauchsanweisung  Deckenleuchte ...· PDF DateiLeuchten GmbH + Co. KG Postfach 1463 · 65534  Limburg ... DIALux for indoor lighting as well as luminaire data in EULUMDAT  and IES-format you willhttp://www.glashuettelimburg.ch/
    Ø 5,5 - Startseite - GLASHÜTTE LIMBURG· PDF DateiLeuchten GmbH + Co. KG ... DIALux for indoor  lighting as well as luminaire data in EULUMDAT and IES-format you will find  on our websitehttp://www.xn--glashtte-limburg-nzb.ch/
    Tapparel & Aymon S.A. - Crans-MontanaDescription Sales and exhibition - Small household  devices,bodycare etc. - Large choice of lamps and indoor and outdoor  lighting. - Electrical appliances, all brands ...http://www.crans-montana.ch/
    Rapport final nSunHiEf - Bundesamt für Energie  BFE ...· PDF DateiAndreas Meyer, Solaronix SA Rue de l’Ouriette  129, CH-1170 Aubonne, ... best prototypes meet standards of indoor lighting  (colour rendering and colour temperature).http://www.bfe.admin.ch/
    SAUTER Serbia· PDF Dateifor heating and indoor climate that generates a  pleasant ambience for shoppers while saving energy and costs. ... of all the  HVAC, lighting and fi re protectionhttp://www.sauteriberica.com/
    Lighting - Agostena Arredamenti SA - Ascona"Moonlight" outdoor and indoor lamps are the ideal  decor for your house. They give light and they are indestructible. We can  place them, put them in a fixed ...http://www.agostena.ch/
    Normes - MWH - Barcol-Air - MWH Suisse SASIA 382.706: 2007, Indoor environmental input parameters for  design and ... buildings addressing indoor air quality, thermal environment,  lighting and acoustics.http://www.mwhsa.ch/
    INDOOR Catalogue des produits et accessoires  pour l'intérieur· PDF DateiIndoor Lighting D ECORATIVE noir lanc .  INDOOR_Catalogue - page 10 ECORATIF 6000.021 Dim. produi2t:2 x150 22 cm Dim.  emb. :58 x28,4 9 cm ... Noveal SA Created …http://novealsa.ch/
    MK3100 Micro Kiosk - Motcom· PDF Dateiimmune to normal indoor lighting up to 1600  Lux; immune to sunlight up to 86,000 Lux ... Electrical fety UL60950-1/sa csA  c22.2 No. 60950-1, EN60950-1/iEc60950-1http://www.motcom.ch/
    Applications Indoor - g2ewww.g2e.ch/applications-indoor Dye solar cells work perfectly  with diffuse light. Indoor applications can be envisaged.http://www.g2e.ch/
    IEA HPP Annex 32 System concept· PDF Dateisumption of indoor lighting, appliances and  equipment was ... Alouette home Ltd. Achieving Net Zero E-mail: Presentation  National Marketing Committee, ...http://www.annex32.net/
    Telenor Fornebu (Oslo) plant - BELIMO Holding AG  ...· PDF DateiThe best indoor air quality ... break-in/fire  alarm, heating/ventilation, lighting, and shading. At that time, ... Belimo  Automaton Ltd., ...http://www.belimo.com/
    Lightingwww.serilight.ch Here you will find a great choice of functional  and decorative indoor and outdoor lighting products that will satisfy even  the most hard to please customers.http://www.serilight.ch/
    Satech4 Lightingwww.satech4.ch/satech4_lighting_en.htm Innovative management  system for indoor and outdoor lighting using a wireless sensor network for  the management of light sourceshttp://www.satech4.ch/
    SLHK GROUP - CatalogueApplied in hotel, writing building, club, road, museum,  restaurant, store, billboard, exhibition center, bridge, and other out door  and indoor lighting etc...http://slhkgroup.com/
    Documento1 - .:Ferrovie Autolinee Regionali  Ticinesi (FART ...· PDF Dateiair-conditioning, LED indoor lighting, of the  train with lowered carriage floor. More services: in first class, every seat  is supplied with a computer socket andhttp://www.centovalli.ch/
    Contact IntegratorproFree 7-Day Smart Homes and Technology Tutorial Begin Mastering:  * Basic Home Wiring * Remote Control Indoor Lighting * TCP/IP Networking *  Home Theater Signalhttp://www.integratorpro.com/
    AnabaticIndoor blimps. Our RC blimps are perfect for stadiums,  tradeshows, arenas, ... Internal lighting: Optionnal: Optionnal: Optionnal:  Optionnal: Optionnal:http://www.anabatic.aero/
    Einbauanleitung für Innenbeleuchtung der IC 2000  Steuerwagen· PDF DateiEinbauanleitung für Innenbeleuchtung der IC  2000 Steuerwagen Diese Innenbeleuchtung ist für AC und DC, ob Analog- oder  Digital-Betrieb geeignet.http://www.hag.ch/
    SOLARI LAMPEN AG – Startseite – lampen,  beleuchtungen ...lampen, beleuchtungen, beleuchtungskörper, innenbeleuchtungen,  aussenbeleuchtungen ... Nous nous réjouissons de votre appel au 056 622 50 13  ou …http://www.solari.ch/
    INNENBELEUCHTUNG, Swiss-Autotuning GmbHKontakt: Telefon: +41 (0) 32 345 20 66 Telefax: +41 (0) 32 345  20 65 Email: info@swiss-autotuning.ch. Telefonhotline-Zeiten: Montag bis  Freitag 08.30 - 12.00 Uhrhttp://www.swiss-autotuning.ch/
    Innenbeleuchtung im Transporter - Starke  Neodym-Magnete ...Mein Problem war die Beleuchtung im Transporter meiner Frau: Die  zwei 5-W-Soffittenlämpchen im Laderaum waren viel zu schwach und öfters  kaputt.http://www.supermagnete.ch/
    Lichtplanung - Willkommen bei LichtscheinWir sind Lichtplaner für: Privathäuser, Neubauten und  Renovierungen, Öffentliche Gebäude, Fassadenbeleuchtungen, Garten- und  Parkbeleuchtung, Leuchten mit LED ...http://www.lichtschein.ch/
    Jordi Power GmbH | Neuheim | Zug | Roland Jordi  ...Die Jordi Power GmbH aus Neuheim im Kanton Zug ist Ihr Partner  für Elektroinstallationen, Elektroplanung, Innenbeleuchtungen,  Storensteuerungen, …http://www.jordipower.ch/
    Led Innenbeleuchtung - Toppreise.ch  Preisvergleich SchweizDiese Internetseite dient ausschliesslich dem Preisvergleich der  ermittelten Angebote - kein Direktverkauf oder Support. Alle Angaben ohne  Gewähr. Alle aufgeführten ...http://www.toppreise.ch/
    Innenbeleuchtung Shop - Günstig Innenbeleuchtung  Artikel ...Kaufen Sie Innenbeleuchtung Artikel günstig, Sicher&Schnell  im Elektronik Star ...http://www.electronic-star.ch/
    Innenbeleuchtung | www.specialgame.chInnenbeleuchtung. Beleuchten Sie Ihre H0 Wagen mit unseren  Bausätzen oder lassen Sie die Beleuchtung durch uns einbauen. Die Kosten  belaufen sich auf ...http://www.specialgame.ch/
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    Sauna - aquabasileaThe large indoor area of our sauna world features two ... This  bio sauna with its sensory lighting can aid the treatment of various ...  aquabasilea AGhttp://www.aquabasilea.ch
    tamina therme bad ragaz· PDF Dateireflexion ag. hardturmstrasse 123 ... The first  indoor swimming pool was esta-bilished in 1872. In 2002, ... The lighting  designhttp://reflexion.ch/
    GABAG Produktions und Vertriebs AG | …Silent Indoor Board ... With fixture for indirect ventilation or  lighting on request. ... und Vertriebs AG. Alte Zugerstrasse 12http://www.gabag.com/
    PURECO LED BATTEN FINE· PDF DateiFOR DIFFERENT INDOOR AREAS SUCH AS OFFICES, ...  purEco LED AG · Industriestrasse 23 ... optimal lighting solutions Order Code  Dimension WxDxH (mm) …http://www.pureco-led.com/
    Downloads - Motorisierung für Rollladen,  Jalousie ...Währungsvorteil - Somfy AG reduziert seine Brutto Preise - 10%:  74 kb, PDF ... Lighting Indoor RTS (D) 1657 kb, PDF: Lighting Module RTS (D)https://www.somfy.ch/
    Andermatt — the Alpine paradiseThe indoor swimming pool, more ... Andermatt Swiss Alps AG is  ... The first steps into The Lobby under subdued lighting create a lasting  impression thanks ...http://www.thechedi-andermatt.com/
    Features - Product - Vela Solaris AG | …Product. Overview; Features; ... Swimming pool (indoor /  outdoor) Freely definable load / source ... Street lighting templates  (off-grid systems)http://www.velasolaris.com/
    Party candles / tealight holders - Kerzenmensch  Schönbächler AGFor indoor and outdoor use. Diameter 90 mm, height 100 mm. The  same insertable candles are used in Barrilito glasses and in Q-Lights, which  simplifies ...http://www.kerzenmensch.ch/
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    T - Sherlab's Directories of Electronic …TechnoFusion GmbH acquired by ... TenDegrees Inc. Indoor  Navigation; ... TSMC Solid State Lighting Ltd. [SSL] LEDs; TT electronics plc  sensors, semiconductors, ...http://www.sherlab.com/
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    Conference technical programme LVDC …are solar powered indoor and outdoor lighting using 12 V  batteries, ... 2008 he holds a position as head of R&D for Lighting  Controls at OSRAM GmbH inhttp://www.lvdcconference.com/
    InPracticeRobert Bosch GmbH and its ... indoor car park. From afar, the  building ... modern lighting solutions actu-ally use much less energy. Thehttp://sfs.biz/
    4471 - micro light indoor - DE - EN - FR - CMCGRAUPNER GmbH & Co. KG D-73230 KIRCHHEIM/TECK GERMANY.  Änderungen, Irrtümer und Druckfehler vorbehalten. ID# 61337. 12/09 micro  light indoor.http://www.modellbauland.ch/
    location estimation in indoor environments using  ...The presented thesis describes tracking and positioning  algorithms in indoor environments ..... a Light Emitting Diode (LED) array  based sensor for 3D profile measurement. ... PMDTechnologies' CamCube  (PMDTechnologies GmbH, 2007).http://www.igp-data.ethz.ch/
    Welcome to SAUTER SerbiaTransducer for indoor air quality. ... Bićete impresionirani sa  našim energetski efikasnim rešenjima u oblasti zelene gradnje. ... lighting,  shading;http://www.sauter.co.rs/
    Tealight holder bio ethanol StarLine LanternaIndoor and garden fountains, ... Lighting, lamps and light pots;  ... +1 305 748 6530 (USA-CA) South America: +1 305 748 6530 (SA)http://www.verylifestyle.com/
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    CLAY PAKY | Architektur | ECM | Ihr starker  Partner für ...The professional sectors using Clay Paky light effects are:  Theatre, Television, Live ... It is ideal for TV studios, theatres, indoor  architectural lighting, shops and ...http://www.ecm-sa.ch/
    Innen- und Aussenbeleuchtungen Indoor and  Outdoor ...12V-50W / 36° Decostar ALU (1800cd) / Art. 428857. → Zusätzliche  Leuchtmittel auf Seite 66. → Additional light sources on page 66. Tama S A /  OL 1020202 A.http://www.tic-light.ch/
    Exposure to Room Light before Bedtime Suppresses  ...30 Dec 2010 ... Intervention: Individuals were exposed to room  light or dim light in the 8 h preceding bedtime. ... Appropriately timed  exposure to indoor light (∼380 lux) has also been ...... Jasser SA, Hanifin  JP, Rollag MD, Brainard GC. 2006.http://www.cenas.ch/
    Display LCThe Headquarter from RCL Display Ltd. is located at the Tai Po  ... and excellent color quality in a broad range of indoor and outdoor ...  LED lighting and LED ...http://www.displaylc.com
    Threat of rising waters: Steps to take hours  before a flood· PDF DateiThreat of rising waters: Steps to take hours  before a flood Risktopic ... • Verify indoor fuel tanks exposed to water ...  – Emergency lighting – Lumberhttp://www.zurichcanada.com/
    Fujicolor SUPERIA X-TRA 800 - Fujifilm USASince light intensities for indoor and night scenes vary widely  from location to location, the data above should be used only as a guide.  Light. Conditions. Lens.https://www.fujifilm.ch/
    CoeLux3 Jun 2014 ... CoeLux offers a breakthrough opportunity for  indoor architecture by ... on nano technology to artificially reproduce the  natural light and visual ...http://www.coelux.ch/
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    The Indoor and Outdoor FollowMe Lamp from Marset  - Cool Hunting4 Sep 2014 ... The small shape and warm light lend nicely to  both indoor and outdoor settings. And thanks to a built-in battery (that  charges with a USB port), ...http://hntd.ch/
    press kit indoor / outdoor / pool - Imagilights  ...I. HISTORY. The idea behind Imagilights® was created in  September 2009 after wanting to develop a wireless light but still implement  impor- tant features as ...http://www.imagilights.ch/
    Wax Burner Indoor | DENK KeramikWax Burner - Wax Burner Indoor. ... Animal Protection · Lighting  & Electricity · Luxor All in one .... Puag AG, Oberebenestrasse 51,  CH-5620 Bremgarten ...http://www.denk-keramik.ch/
    Partners - Arnold GartenbauArnold GartenbauLicht AG – Indoor and Outdoor Lighting. Working with Licht AG,  our expert partner for unique outdoor lighting systems, we show your terrace  or your garden in ...http://arnoldgartenbau.ch/
    Download 17.78 MB - SOG-UnilightIndoor lighting fitting .... key: luminaire group + light  distribution + output (type) + lamp holder (type) = SILL order number ....  duced by Franz SILL GmbH to refer to.http://sog-unilight.ch/
    Leaflet ENinside or outside, the passengers are sitting or standing, the.  OMEGA IV ... surveillance camera, indoor and outdoor lighting ... CWA  Constructions SA/Corp.http://www.cwa.ch/
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    Operation Guide 3047 - Barometer - Compass -  CasioCASIO COMPUTER CO., LTD. assumes no responsibility for any loss,  ... a window. Approximately 50 minutes exposure to indoor fluorescent  lighting. • Be sure ...http://www.tauchprofil.ch/
    ManualTerminal to the "accurately grounded indoor earth  terminal" by using an earth wire. ... Install and operate the product in  places where appropriate lighting is available, .... Amusements Europe Ltd  accepts its responsibility to finance the cost of ...http://www.wwyss.ch/
    Lighting systems & lighting control …Good lighting control systems make sure you can keep up with the  rapidly changing world we live in nowadays. Discover our solutions.http://www.lighting.philips.ch/
    AGABEKOVSince 40 years Agabekov SA is a lighting manufacturer and a  project company represented in 70 countries around the world.http://www.agabekov.com/
    Led My Way - Led Lighting ProductsCompany Profile. LMW Group, based in Hong Kong and subsidiary of  the company Fininvest Global SA in Switzerland is the direct link with LED  Lighting Product supply.http://www.ledmyway.ch/
    LuxTrace - Indoor Positioning Using Building  Illumination· PDF DateiLuxTrace - Indoor Positioning Using Building  Illumination Julian Randall 1, Oliver Amft , Jur¨ gen Bohn2, and Martin Burri  1 Wearable Computing Lab., ETH Zuric¨ h ...http://www.vs.inf.ethz.ch/
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    Performance LED Grow Lights - leoLED …Looking for the Best LED Grow Lights? Grow your greenhouse,  indoor & hydroponics garden with leoLEDgrow.http://www.leoledgrow.com/
    PRG Lighting Technology for EventsThe field of lighting comprises a tremendous variety of products  and applications. We stock more than 10,000 different products for all types  of events.http://www.prg.com/
    YC-Backed Transcend Launches An Extra Efficient  LED Light For ...8 Jul 2015 ... Transcend Lighting, one of the more  unconventional startups ... beta today to bring its energy-saving LED lights  to indoor farmers everywhere.http://tcrn.ch/
    7 Ways to Bring Solar Lighting to Your Home -  Popular Mechanics7 Ways to Bring Solar Lighting to Your Home .... Does anyone  know who is the manufacturer of the lights on the fence panel at the start of  this ... Interior Projects.http://popme.ch/
    Complete lighting solutions - Fagerhult  (International)Fagerhult create modern lighting products and exciting,  energy-efficient and environmentally-adapted lighting ... Efficient food  store lighting ... Indoor/Outdoor ...http://www.fagerhult.ch/
    LED Lighting | Mouser - Mouser Electronics …Learn more about LED Lighting. Mouser is an authorized  distributor of many LED Lighting solution providers.http://www.mouser.ch/
    www.ramelec.ch· PDF DateiFLUX is specialised in innovative lighting  techniques, using LED and fibre optic luminaires. Thanks to its dynamism and  its creativity, FLUX made a name for itself as ...http://www.ramelec.ch/
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    Home – Energy-saving ionair® systems for …Manufactures automatically-controlled air cleaning units to  improve indoor air quality at hotels, restaurants and other indoor  facilities.http://www.ionair.com/
    HUBER+SUHNER - Lightning protectorsLightning protection and EMP components patented by HUBER+SUHNER  are setting standards worldwidehttp://www.hubersuhner.com/
    BIKdesign AGBIKdesign AG - Swiss - Italy Products Design. BIKdesign AG. ...  Bedroom | Children`s room | Wardrobe | Household | Lighting (indoor/outdoor)  | Engines. ...http://www.bikdesign.ch/
    Slat blinds » Schenker Storen AG - …Slat blinds are as multifaceted as the architecture they are  designed to enhance. They can be adjusted to any position so as to provide  optimal room lighting and ...http://www.schenkerstores.com/
    Dobas AG – Shop architecture, consulting, …Die Dobas AG ist der zuverlässige Partner für den ... Thanks to  the gentle white hues and the complementary lighting concept, ... Shop  architecture. Bern; Munich;http://www.dobas.ch/
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    LUXEON 4014 - MikroShop· PDF DateiLUXEON 4014 Datasheet DS205 20131103 ©2013  Philips Lumileds Lighting Company. 2 General Information Product Nomenclature  LUXEON 4014 is tested and binned at Thttp://www.mikroshop.ch/
    Winterhouse Lighting, Inc.winterhouselighting.comWinterhouse Lighting, Inc.http://winterhouselighting.com/
    BELUXwww.belux.com/en Belux develops and manufactures lamps for  office and home interiors. These long-lasting products combine modern  lighting technology functional design.http://www.belux.com/
    Modular Lighting Instrumentswww.modular-lighting.chhome team contact agb/cg home team  contact agb/cghttp://www.modular-lighting.ch/
    Building / Lighting: Oskar Rüegg AGwww.oskar-ruegg.ch/.../building-lighting.html There is a new  breath of air in the «Building / Lighting» division. Despite high-volume  production, the requirements made on design have grown noticeably.http://www.oskar-ruegg.ch/
    Indoor Pool Geiselweid | Sika AGwww.sika.com/.../references-tiling/indoor_pool.html The aged  indoor pool Geiselweid in the city of Winterthur was completely renovated for  15 million Swiss francs after 38 years of operation. Besides aesthetic  aspects ...http://www.sika.com/
    AGABEKOV - Agabekov Lighting Company  Internationalwww.agabekov-lighting.com Since 40 years Agabekov SA is a  lighting manufacturer and a project company represented in 70 countries  around the world.http://www.agabekov-lighting.com/
    GIFAS-ELECTRIC GmbHGIFAS-ELECTRIC GmbH Postfach ... Phone +41 71 886 44 44 Fax +41  71 886 44 49 info@gifas.ch. Sales Contact Switzerland Export. ... Hand rails  with LED lighting: ...http://www.gifas.ch/
    Greenville Gardening GmbHWelcome to Greenville Gardening GmbH. New products in the  Growshop. ... Lighting. Ventilation. Irrigation Systems. Fertilizer. Controll  and measuring units. Incidentals.http://greenvillegardening.ch/
    Moonlight Leuchtkugellampen, Kugelleuchten,  Kugellampen ...Campi Gartenpflege und Gestaltung GmbH - Kugellampen.  Startseite: ... First Class Lighting ... Indoor- und outdoortauglich!http://www.campi.ch/
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    LED-Solutions - Barthelme GmbH & Co. KGThe LED lighting is the light of the future. There are various  possible applications of the LEDs: whether as interior decoration, furniture  installation, architecture, ...http://www.lumoluce.ch/
    MAGNOLUX GmbHLighting power redefined - with Magnolux .... or you are going  to adapt a completely new lighting concept in indoor or outdoor need. ...  MAGNOLUX GmbHhttp://www.magnolux.ch/
    Architonic - Architecture and DesignIn response to this issue, lighting brand LUCTRA has developed  an intelligent system that ... lighting brand QisDesign, which aims to ensure  the future of interior ...http://www.architonic.ch/
    Play-Zone.CH LilyPad Licht SensorLilyPad Licht Sensor, Wearables ... This is a simple to use  light sensor that outputs an analog value from 0 to 5V.http://www.play-zone.ch/
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    Grow - Cylex-Branchenbuch SchweizProtectas SA Luzern, ... CTL CT LIGHTING GmbH Aargau,  Sonnenrainstr. 7 5304 Endingen. ... grow belüftung, indoor lampen ...https://www.cylex.ch/
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    Matteo Fieni... design, ambient, lighting, club. 30.05.2015. New district.  Abstraction, formal ... out/indoor ambient. 05.12.2014. Mario ... Edilstrada  SA. Urban infrastuctures ...http://www.matteofieni.ch/
    Portrait | Baloise SessionSound & Lighting ; TV ... Une autre particularité de ce  festival bâlois indoor réside dans la combinaison au sein d'une même soirée  ... Depuis sa fondation en ...http://www.baloisesession.ch/
    AGABEKOVSince 40 years Agabekov SA is a lighting manufacturer and a  project company represented in 70 countries around the world.http://www.agabekov.ch/
    Solaronix - Solar CellsTheir low light sensitivity makes them attractive for diffuse  light conditions, including indoor applications. Because our ... One can  imagine numerous indoor applications of our solar cells: chargers, sensors,  standby power, etc. ... Solaronix SAhttp://www.solaronix.ch/
    LED Lighting - SURCOTEC SAwww.surcotec.ch/LED-Lighting An innovative reflective coating  developped for Premium LED lightinghttp://www.surcotec.ch/
    Welson SA, Indoor, outdoor construction in  Geneva...www.welson.ch/en/index1.html Welson SA, indoor, outdoor  construction in Geneva I plastering, painting, tiling ... Ihttp://www.welson.ch/
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    DEALGATE | The global platform for M&A …DEALGATE | The global platform for M&A professionals ...  sound, lighting, recording, ... Dealgate Ltd. FAQ ...https://www.dealgate.com/
    Fiberli Lighting ProductsAquaCroma / Pool Lights AquaCroma LED luminaires with special  protection are used in swimming pools, ornamental pools, geysers and other  wet places.http://www.fiberli.ch/
    Outdoor lighting | LD Arredamentowww.lifedesign-furniture.com  › Many articles to  illuminate your garden with flair and panache from general lighting to  decorative objects All products are weatherproof.http://www.lifedesign-furniture.com/
    LED LIGHTING - Sir Heianwww.sir-heian.ch/Kataloge/BEL_LED.pdfWWW.BEL-LIGHTING.COM LED.  53 Seal connector Adhesive Lined Tubing Superior sealing against water,  moisture or other contaminants operating temperature: -40°C to 110°chttp://www.sir-heian.ch/
    Lighting - Ormond Editionswww.ormond-editions.com/.../apparatus-studio/lighting Lighting;  Lifegoods. Lighting; Designers. Stéphane Parmentier; Apparatus Studio;  Lindsey Adelman; Ozone; Michael Anastassiades; Angelo Mangiarotti; Michaël  ...http://www.ormond-editions.com/
    Light for Cows | Lighting system | Lelywww.lely.com/en/housing/lighting-system_2/light-for-cows Light  for Cows “A new barn has been planned for about ten years’ time, but with the  L4C lighting system my cows already enjoy optimal light consumption right  now.”http://www.lely.com/
    Wigglesworth-Weider | Lightingwww.wigglesworth-weider.ch/index.php?f=Lighting LED Lighting  Halogen Lighting Furniture Architecture Prices Gallery Contact L1.Inox L3.Uni  ...http://www.wigglesworth-weider.ch/
    LED Illumination Systems : LED Special Lighting  -...www.volpi.ch/htm/758/en/LED-Special-Lighting.htm?... LED Special  Lighting: Back: LED Illumination Systems: LED Special Lighting: LED Low Angle  30 ...http://www.volpi.ch/
    Lighting Equippment for Machine Visionwww.leutron.com/en/lighting Lighting Equippment for Machine  Vision. Phlox. Leutron Vision is official distributor for lighting equipment  from Phlox in Germany, Austria and the United States.http://www.leutron.com/
    About us — Ledlightingwww.ledlighting.ch/en/about-us About us Founded in 2007 by  Vladimir Aguilar of Zurich, Led lighting has already executed important  design and lighting projects. Vladimir Aguilar is ...http://www.ledlighting.ch/
    LED Lighting - Videolighting Store - Ianiro LEDwww.videolighting-store.com/en/led-lighting.html LED Lighting;  Tungsten; Fluorescent ; Bundles; Kits; Accessories; The original Ianiro Red  Head light. Half a century of attempted imitations. Ianiro’s original ...http://www.videolighting-store.com/
    FrequenciesRugged design, meets EN 50155 railway standard. Fire retardant  acc. to DIN 5510-2, BS 6853, NF F16-101/102, CEN/TS 45545 (2009). Protection  against lightning.http://www.netmodule.com/
    MONTAGEUtilisation· PDF DateiLe Centralis Indoor RTS est un récepteur radio  pour la comman-de sans fil des stores en toile, des volets roulants et des  stores à lamelles motorisés.http://www.rufalex.ch/
    Event architecture, Lighting design, Audio …Event architecture, Lighting design, Audio design - Only the  best ideas make their way into the design of a successful event. We know the  trends and, indeed, we are ...http://www.winkler.ch/
    Disturbance Voltage (RF E) - Teseq: …Disturbance Voltage (RF E) Disturbance ... radio disturbance  characteristics of electrical lighting ... AG Sternenhofstrasse 15 4153  Reinach Switzerland T ...http://www.teseq.com/
    Isabelle SchönholzerIsabelle Schönholzer ... to everyone who wants to get high  quality pictures of lighting and indoor ... Kostenplanung, Fabrizio Razzini  AG, Oda ...http://isabelleschoenholzer.com/
    REF0400-0024 Medienzuführungssysteme SAREX RU· PDF DateiConductix-Wampfl er AG [D] Operator ... electric  supply incl. steelwork and lighting installation Product ... Indoor,  factory buildunghttp://www.conductix.ch/
    Monoplan | Poolarea IHTexisting restaurants. The pool area was discernibly upgraded  through new flooring and a new lighting concept. The pools themselves were  newly designed and equipped ...http://www.monoplan.ch/
    SLOAN light sources 2006/07 1 - Sibalco AG· PDF DateiSLOAN AG Birmannsgasse 8 CH-4009 Basel Phone  0041 ... This LED light component can be used for ambient lighting. ...  Illumination of indoor ...http://www.sibalco.ch/
    TOP NANO 21 - Demonstrator - TEMAS - …Demonstrators developed in TOP NANO 21. ... Cold cathode  fluorescent lamps for general lighting based on carbon nanotube field  emitters ... Zeptosens AG, Witterswil ...http://www.temas.ch
    Laboratory Equipment | Renggli Laboratory …While Renggli AG is specialized for equipment ... Glare-free  working space lighting with possibility of adjusting ... Indoor installation  of up to 4 gas cylinder ...http://www.renggli.com/
    BREEAM with Saint-Gobain Glass For a …lighting and indoor air quality; 3. ... The indoor ambient noise  levels ... Conma Werbeagentur GmbH / Page 7: Shopping Center Mlyny, Nitra  (SLO), Architecte: ...http://www.vetrotech.com/
    Investment and Finance Study for Off-Grid  Lighting...GIZ: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit  GmbH .... Kerosene lamps contribute to indoor air pollution, causing eye  irritation, coughing, ...http://quadia.ch/
    GROWBOXGROWBOX - 230 watt Plasma light 3000Kelvin. 230 watt plasma  light video .... von Nutriculture, Growtool und GHE. 2015 © Growbox WR design  & trade GmbH.http://www.growbox.ch/
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    Fontana Sotheby's International Realty - …- automatic outdoor lighting as well as LED lighting of the  glass handrails of the terraces ... 2 indoor (garage) and 2 ... Software  Immomig ® 2004-2015 by IMMOMIG ...http://www.fontanasothebysrealty.com/
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    Pachypodium densiflorum - FicheLighting. Watering during automn-winter. ... Repotting. 1 soil +  2 humus . Indoor during winter temperature min. 17°C. Sunny. Rarely ( when  the substrate is dry )http://www.seedsplants.com/
    CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTING - Baur au LacZurich Inside ... Sa Saturday , 31 October 2015 31.10 low  clouds, stratus 7° | 13° ... At six o'clock sharp, all 46,060 lights on  Zurich's tallest Christmas tree will be ... park to share mulled wine and  biscuits with us as we light up the Christmas tree.http://www.bauraulac.ch/
    lighthousefestival.tvPRATERSAUNA & FRIENDS PRESENT imprint back to 2014 back to  2013 · facebook twitter youtube · Light House Festival, Porec/Croatia May,  29th - 31st 2015.http://www.lighthousefestival.ch/
    BACTool... (BACTool) allows you to ... Blinds, lighting, mech.  ventilation with energy recovery: ... Siemens Switzerland Ltd., Zug,  Switzerland, 158 pp, Appendices.http://www.bactool.ethz.ch/
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    Moana - Liveaboard Diving - Dive Resorts - …The Moana is one of the rare dive liveaboard operating in Komodo  area ... while at night the modern ambient lighting from below ... Dive and  Cruise Ltd. Dive And ...http://www.dive-and-cruise.com/
    Webots: featuresWebots features. This page summarizes ... Create realistic  simulation models with advanced lighting, fog, shadows, ... CYBERBOTICS Ltd.  professional robotics …http://www.cyberbotics.com/
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    Factsheet PromoLiner (PDF, english)Swisscom Event & Media Solutions Ltd. 3050 Bern ... From  dimmable lighting, outdoor and indoor sound systems, through to projectors,  flipcharts and.https://www.swisscom.ch/
    Swiss Indoors BaselIndoor tournament held in Basel Switzerland. Contains player  data, schedule, tournament information, news, and seating.http://www.swissindoorsbasel.ch/
    Contenido Demosite - Raptus AGKELDAN stands for compact lights that are not only extremely  bright, but offer the best beam and colors for specialty applications such as  underwater videos.http://www.keldan.ch/
    SILVERSTAR - solar control glass - Euroglascoatings with graduated light transmission and total ... solar  control glasses, the indoor climate remains ple- ..... Euroglas GmbH, D-39340  Haldensleben. Tel.http://www.glastroesch.ch/
    Light technologies illuminate global challenges  - The ...13 Jan 2015 ... From strings of lights adding holiday cheer to  artificial sunlamps alleviating seasonal ... improve quality of life in  indoor settings, from hospitals to underground parking garages. ... Fabian  Göttfert, Christian Wurm, CC BY-SA.http://wef.ch/1DHxiJu
    UV Talk Letter Vol. 6 - ShimadzuIn this issue, we will describe the light source, an important  part of the spectrophotometer that was .... tungsten halide moves inside the  tube due to convection and ..... Department, General Coating Division, Dai  Nippon Toryo Co., Ltd. 5.https://www.shimadzu.ch/

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