Dear Sir,
# D7 l, N3 ?3 i5 g+ PWe,ITC India, are aLeadingTestingCompany/ Laboratoryhaving aNABL (Certificate No. 6601) Accreditation.The Laboratory is following the procedure as required byInternationalStandardIEC17025and is already certified forISO 17025 by NABL.
6 u/ t5 b+ U6 @* `4 P
3 \" q' [! D! o8 m& }6 VOur Lab is totally equipped with followingHighAccuracyTestingInstrumentsto provide a totalTestingSolutionsforLEDBased Products.7 h" \ R! W w' S$ S9 z
. B+ _% V3 U2 X7 V- XDigital Power Meter (RS-232 Model )% a7 ^8 l# D) G, i2 h
Digital CC and CV DC Power Supply
/ r( c, U+ E2 Y. l. u( PIntegrating Sphere (Diameter = 2.0 m)
# B; k4 ~' q! {" pStandard Light Source (24 V/ 50 W)
1 b+ n) n* m4 Z2 y! `4 NLEDPower Driver Tester7 O. F( r S" m0 A5 e2 W5 ?% E
Electrical Safety Analyser and more
9 R' @! C! d$ r) C8 ~" ^; n s* t* m3 b% {" ]3 }. M8 W" k
TestingFacilities forIngress Protection Rating(e.g. IP 66 & IP 67 etc.), LM-79& againstStandardsEN 60598, other ENStandards,IECStandards& IndianStandards.- ^4 `& R. u; ]7 Z7 @5 z4 B4 Z
& c' e; {: B% [( Y( W4 ?* [We can do thetestingof yourLEDProductagainst the different standard likeLM 79, IS 16106,IEC60598-1,IEC61347-2-13,IEC62384,IEC62722-2-1,IEC62031, IS 15885(Part 2/ Sec. 13), IS 16103, IS 16102,IEC62612,IEC60969, IS 10322-1,IEC60968, IS 15687,IEC62560, IS 16102,IEC62031, IS 16103,IEC61347, IS 15885,IEC61347 etc." \8 B4 S. M& k9 _- Q
) B4 Q [9 z! h. b5 V& M* ^, C3 X( s
Also we can help you to getCEMark Certification. ; h5 ^! I6 d% ?: ^5 L
You can see Different Test we used to carry understandards atwww.itcindia.org.www.eurotechworld.net; f r U2 a1 u
# V- ^9 `, Y8 [. E1 K4 YKindly let us know if you have any present or a future requirement we would be happy to share our services, Past Work details andClient Testimonialsand Price etc.9 F6 O. t3 H( V2 _3 Q5 y* R: ]
* ~$ O. Y3 \7 O* h, ^
For more information or queries, please do get back to us.) |, [& _- i" P6 v5 l- X
+ T' j& B+ R @) bThanks & Regards" w0 [8 U: k' w# F' }
Alpika Sharma# {7 p: ? b2 ^. t$ K5 @7 j
Operations Executive& N! @* F7 _9 O4 h" l
Unit No. 4F-CS-67, Fourth Floor,Ansal Plaza,
( ~5 y" Q! b5 a [' c9 V6 z3 l' FSector - 1, Vaishali, Ghaziabad - 201 010, Delhi NCR,India
% E7 S" g+ Y" y, {( G6 A2 i& [M:+
) K0 J1 t7 G, H1 q1 ?7 AEmail:
* ]- W$ E1 g- bWebsite : 3 W6 x Y2 K* o' S2 p
100-300 Input Voltage(V) and LED Light Source pro led street light
( o8 ~ h/ [$ _0 i! [
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