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    发表于 2019-7-21 16:43:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    http://www.beachsidelighting.com/Beachside LightingM-Series Pathlights (12V / 120V LED Multi-Louver)Made of cast brass, these fixtures are larger than other Beachside pathlights. The lamp is protected by a threaded glass lens. Louvers are angled at 45&#176; to eliminate glare. Risers are schedule 40 brass pipe. Lamp sources inlcude halogen, xenon, metal halide, and omnidirectional LED. MR16 LED versions with a single-louver design are also available.
    https://elplights.com/ELPlights.com is THE Website for all of your Lighting needsELPlights.com is THE Website for all of your Lighting needs. We offer a wide array of Light Bulbs, to include Compact Fluorescents, LEDs, Halogen, HID, and many more. We also supply Ballasts, LED Drivers,Fixtures,Batteries, ect...
    https://www.grainger.com/wwgrainger incA-Line general purpose bulb - Grainger Industrial Supply62182 LED A19 LOCK DEV2 White, Kit GE Lighting The bright white radiance of GE’s LED A-Line lamps is not just something you see, it’s something you feel. LED A-Line general purpose bulb PERFORMANCE DATA Information provided is subject to change without notice. Please verify all details with GE. All values are
    https://www.ledvance.com/FAQs regarding the use of SubstiTUBEs as replacements for ...Approval for use in the G13 and G5 bases in terms of lamp weight and dimensions; The LED tubes sold by LEDVANCE are included in the risk-free group (RG0) for photobiological safety. ... a LED tube produces directed light unlike fluorescent lighting, which is omnidirectional. As a result, light distribution can vary due to the existing luminaire ...
    https://byjasco.com/Jasco ProductsEcoSurvivor LED Lantern - Green Camo Outdoor LanternsEcoSurvivor LED Lantern - Green Camo shines at 550 lumens with the durability to stand against sand, dust and water. Our outdoor lanterns are perfect for camping or any adventure.
    https://reactual.com/The Brightest LED Bulb Of 2019 - ReactualThe Brightest LED Bulb For General Use: The SANSI 40W LED Light Bulb is rated at 5500 lumens (approximately equivalent to a 350 watt incandescent bulb). It has a light temperature rating of 5000K or “daylight” quality. It is available for $49.; The Brightest For Warehouses\Outdoors (5000K Temperature): This bulb is rated at 29189 lumens. It costs about $170.
    https://www.signify.com/Led luminaires and retrofit bulbs | Signify Company WebsiteIf you are selling finished LED-based luminaires and / or retrofit bulbs under your brand, ... LED lamps with omnidirectional light and award winning reliability ..... DePower Lighting &amp; Electric Equipment Co., Ltd. Deco Enterprises, Inc. Dedo&nbsp;...
    http://www.koppglass.com/Kopp GlassUV LED Optic Design Lab - Kopp GlassKopp Glass offers custom molded UV optics that increase UV LED irradiance and improve light distribution uniformity and result in high-performing UV LED&nbsp;...
    https://smithvictor.com/SMITH-VICTOR CORPORATION;SMITH-VICTOR CORPORATIONEZ LanternBox – Smith-VictorThis omnidirectional light source works best used overhead with either a strobe ... Travel Tripod $49.99; Acies 3K Pro Series Soft LED Strip 3-Light Kit $999.99.
    https://www.birddogdistributing.com/Birddog LightingLED Lighting Rebates - Birddog LightingWe offer versatile LED rope and strip lights for interior décor. ... General Purpose, including Dimmable and Three Way (Omnidirectional) 250-2600 Lumens; How&nbsp;...
    https://www.avnet.com/AvnetOSRAM Horticulture &amp; Smart Lighting | AvnetDURIS S 8 is a revolutionary compact high-power LED for indoor and outdoor illumination, including directional and omnidirectional retrofit lamps. High Im/$&nbsp;...
    https://media.defense.gov/lighthouse modernization manual, comdtinst m16500.8b - Defense.govOct 24, 2011 ... New omnidirectional Light Emitting Diode (LED)-based optics can ..... 2 System 6 RACON manufactured by Tideland Signal Corp. which.
    https://www.diyphotography.net/DIY Video Lighting WIth Hardware Store LED Light BulbsNov 5, 2015 ... DIY video lighting with hardware store LED light bulbs - options for ... This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website ... This is an omni-directional version of the first bulb ($29.99 from Amazon)&nbsp;...
    https://www.tcpi.com/TCP LightingLED HID Series - tcpi.comlamp life (rated) ..... 50,000 hours ... led hid omnidirectional 50,000 hours 100-277 vac 360&#176; beam angle 100w led hid l100mhx395040k l100mhx395050k 80w led hid l80mhx395040k l80mhx395050k 45w led hid l45mhx395040k l45mhx395050k l45mhe265040k l45mhe265050k 24w led hid l24mhe265040k l24mhe265050k 19w led hid l19mhe265040k l19mhe265050k ...
    https://100w.light-bulbs.biz/100W Light Bulbs | Light-bulbs.biz100W Light Bulbs. We surveyed 9 top of the heap 100W light bulbs over the recent year. Discover which 100W light bulbs is best. You can also Search by type, wattage, style and Bra
    https://www.lightingdesignlab.com/Lighting Design LabLighting Design Lab Qualified LED Fixtures ListLighting Design Lab Qualified LED Fixtures List The Lighting Design Lab does NOT endorse any of the LED products on this list. When evaluating any of these products be sure to compare the rated lumens and/or CBCP with the product it is replacing. 3/1/2017 page 1 of 3 Fixture/Lamp Type
    https://retrofitlightingtoronto.com/LEDdirect IncRebate Calculator - Ontario Commercial Retrofit Lighting ...Please add your name and email address and hit Submit to open up the calculator. Once you have entered your fixture details in the calculator, hit Submit again to get your Rebate Details.. Please fill in contact information to access rebate calculator.
    https://focusonenergy.com/Focus on EnergyIntegral Omnidirectional LED Lamp Minimum RequirementsANSI Lamp Type Lumen Output Range Efficacy Lifetime Luminous Distribution CCT CRI Color Maintainence Power Factor Warranty Value(s) A (per ANSI C78.20:2003) 800 - 1,999 70 L 70 = 10,000 80% of the luminous intensity measured values (candelas) shall vary by no more than 35% from the average of all measured values in the 0&#176; to 130&#176; zone. All ...
    https://www.atlantalightbulbs.com/Atlanta Light Bulbs - ALB Energy SolutionsLED Bulbs High Wattage Retrofit - Atlanta Light Bulbs, Inc.Retrofit LED corn cob light bulbs are designed for the replacement of high pressure sodium lights or metal halide lights. These types of lights tend to be very bright and are optimal for outdoor lighting for parking lots and sports complexes, as well as commercial, industrial, and retail spaces where applicable.
    https://ycdc.led-bulb.org/YCDC Led Bulb | Led-bulbYCDC Led Bulb. We checked 6 top of the line YCDC led bulbs over the latter 3 years. Figure out which YCDC led bulb matches you. You can also Search by model, manufacturer, item weight and shipping weight or pick one of our YCDC led bulb editorial picks.
    https://www.polar-ray.com/Polar-RayULTRA LED A-line Lamps - Polar-Ray.com LED LightingULTRA LED A-line omnidirectional lamps offer years of service and reduce energy and maintenance costs. SYLVANIA ULTRA LED lamps are environmentally preferred products. They are RoHS compliant and contain no mercury, lead or other hazardous materials. They emit no UV or IR radiation. A CRI of 80 ensures good color definition and with
    https://www.winegard.com/Winegard CompanyWinegard Company: TV Antenna, RV Antenna - USAWinegard Company is a leading manufacturer of quality reception products including RV satellite TV &amp; 4G LTE antennas, home HDTV antennas, and 2-way VSAT systems.

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