Q:We have to develope LED outdoor Luminaires with maximun 1% of blue radiance. That is betwen 300 to 379nm, must be less than 1% of the spectral radiance between 380 and 780 nm.5 H4 O! S# r) u8 f0 r" R/ o7 w
: K2 O: `) C+ P" o7 O2 | v, ^
We tried 2200°K led luminaires and we obtain between 5 and 7 % instead of 1%. This luminaire could be possible to be used on middle distance to Observatories. But for short distance to Observatories , MUST BE LESS THAN ONE %., W7 f8 ?, k" |6 [( ^$ d7 ^0 W
+ z x- i+ M6 X% i% ^/ q7 }+ iSo, we are looking that kind of led luminaires, and we think on FILTERED LEDS to get less than one % of the blue spectral radiance.
/ Q1 h7 \' T; S
8 \4 E0 G; ]* V! D3 H2 P( W# }What do you think, how to get that goal?& Q3 A4 m) [* k8 {( J7 w
/ \# Z0 b- R; P l; E2 `" kPlease do your best to help us on this subject, is China manufacturing these kind of filters? 群里有人能帮我解释解释这说明意思啊,以前上的是政治专业,英语勉强及格) r- U0 q& r, e4 O: Y- p
; o) `; d5 s5 z0 Q2 PQ:是庭院灯,以前英语没学好,都不知道什么意思。1 A" m8 i' ]3 h: H