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    发表于 2019-8-15 00:12:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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    https://www.glp.de/GLP German Light ProductsHigh Bay Lights - German Light ProductsHigh Bay Light H3. Type H3 High Bay Lights from GLP provide highly effective lighting for workplaces, high bays and large hall areas up to 12 meters high.
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    https://www.energyfocus.com/T8 High Bay LED Fixture | Energy FocusThe Energy Focus T8 High Bay LED Fixture features a durable steel housing designed to be used with Energy Focus lamps for high lumen output applications.
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    https://www.ewweb.com/Electrical Wholesaling MagazineHigh-Bay Fixtures — A New Home for LEDs | Electrical WholesalingJun 1, 2018 ... High-bay lighting fixtures have always been a bear to maintain. LEDs can help by providing longer service life while dramatically lowering&nbsp;...
    https://www.ldpi-inc.com/LDPI, Inc.LDPI, Inc | Industrial Lighting Fixtures | LED &amp; FluorescentUL Approved Industrial and Task Lighting. Heavy duty, UL Approved lighting products from LDPI, Inc. are ideal for industrial and task lighting applications, including high bay, wet/marine, or vapor/dust locations.
    https://www.litetronics.com/Litetronics InternationalCommercial Lighting Company | LitetronicsLitetronics is a leader in retrofits, luminaires, and fixtures. ... Round High Bay PL. A premium round high bay that shows off with its sleek, contemporary design. Learn more . ... Without lights that are bright, efficient and easy on the eyes, it becomes much more difficult for you and your personnel to get the job done. In recognition of that ...

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