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    发表于 2019-11-3 09:54:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    http://www.enerlites.com/Enerlites, Inc.Manufacturer of Lighting Control and Wiring Devices -EnerlitesEnerlites is the smart choice for wide range of lighting control and wiring devices - USB charger receptacles, occupancy and vacancy sensor, floor boxes, USB outlets, dimmers and timer switches, wall plates to meet residential, commercial and industrial applications needs. Contact us for your any lighting devices application requirement.
    http://www.lecontrols.com/LE ControlsHome LE Controls LE Controls is a UK manufacturer of dimmer switches and lighting control products. PLEASE NOTE OUR PHONE NUMBERS - SEE CONTACTS PAGE. We are now the only UK manufacturer of slider dimmers to fit popular grid systems Compact trailing Edge dimmers - the future of lighting. We welcome enquiries from Trade and Archtects
    https://forbesandlomax.com/Forbes &amp; Lomax LtdForbes and Lomax - The Invisible LightswitchThe Invisible Lightswitch Range. Inspired by the glass switches of the 1930s but with all the advantages of modern technology, the Invisible Lightswitch &#174; has become synonymous with Forbes &amp; Lomax.. Switches and dimmers have 3mm bevelled transparent acrylic plates which are …
    http://rv-project.com/RV 12V LED Dimmer Shootout.Dimmers with a 0mA result have an On-Off switch that completely removes power from the dimmer. The light output intensity is a measurement of the total LUX output of the 8 lights driven by the dimmer. A Lux = Lumens per Square Meter (and my light meter only measures LUX). In each test, the power supply delivered 13.8VDC, and the dimmer was set ...
    https://dimmerswestlakevillage.com/Dimmers Westlake Village - Dimmers Westlake Village ...Dimmers Westlake Village. Dimmers Westlake Village, California 91362 ; Westlake Village Electrician . Lighting is one of the most important features for your home. Dimmers make the room comfortable allowing the right amount of light as opposed to a standard switch usually having too much light. The best way to control a light level in your home, is with
    https://dimmersnewburypark.com/Dimmers Newbury Park - Dimmers Newbury Park, California 91320Dimmers Newbury Park. Dimmers Newbury Park, California 91320 ; Newbury Park Electrician . Lighting is one of the most important features for your home. Dimmers make the room comfortable allowing the right amount of light as opposed to a standard switch usually having too much light. The best way to control a light level in your home, is with a dimmer switch.
    http://ledsigncomponents.com/Diversified Components - Products to Serve the LED &amp; Neon ...LED Dimmers. LED sign dimmers feature an integrated ON/OFF and variable slide control. No separate power pack is required for ON/OFF control! UL 1472 Listed by ETL. Read More; Neon Dimmers. Cuts bothersome glare! Energy efficient, so it costs less to operate your sign. Field adjustable trim for low end brightness. UL 1472 Listed by ETL.
    http://www.sundimmersinc.com/Sundimmers Inc | Tining glass – residential and commercialNot just an installer – A Select-Pro installer. The LLumar SelectPro dealer network delivers an outstanding window film and paint protection film buying experience from film selection through professional installation for customers who demand only the finest for their vehicles, homes and commercial properties.
    https://huntdimming.com/Hunt DimmingHunt Dimming - LED ControllersHUNT Dimming manufactures and extensive line of LED dimmers for use with many controllable LED drivers &amp; lamps.. These LED dimmers provide linear lighting control from 100% to 1% of rated lumen output and are available in single-pole or 3-way designs for both 120V and 277V applications.
    https://www.lightingnewyork.com/Lighting New YorkDimmers and Switches - Lighting New YorkProvide any room in your house with the perfect finishing touch. Browse from a variety of stylish switches, dimmers and outlets.
    https://dimmersagourahills.com/Dimmers Agoura Hills - Dimmers Agoura Hills, California 91301Dimmers Agoura Hills. Dimmers Agoura Hills, California 91301 ; Agoura Hills Electrician . Lighting is one of the most important features for your home. Dimmers make the room comfortable allowing the right amount of light as opposed to a standard switch usually having too much light. The best way to control a light level in your home, is with a dimmer switch.
    https://avi-on.com/Avi-on LabsSwitches &amp; Dimmers – Avi-on Labs: Changing the way the ...Avi-on Switches and Dimmers enable physical and Bluetooth&#174; wireless lighting controls for on/off and dimming functions. Solutions are available for new construction and retrofit needs. All controls interface to lighting fixtures and with the Avi-on App, providing a platform that supports easy-to-change grouping, scheduling, timers and scenes.
    https://www.dimmersbakery.com/dimmersGerman Rye. Dimmers’ soft, dense German Rye has a traditionally mild rye flavor, with a hint of tangy sourdough. Delicious toasted with butter and jam, and great in sandwiches of every kind.
    https://www.imtra.com/Imtra CorporationDimmer Switches | Boat Light Accessories | ImtraImtra's selection of dimmers range from power-saving to LED. Browse our boat light accessories to find the best dimmer for your vessel.
    https://www.superbrightleds.com/Super Bright LEDsSingle Color LED Dimmer Switches | Controllers &amp; Dimmers ...Single Color LED Dimmer Switches. Change the color, color mode, or brightness of single-color LED strip lights with single-color LED controllers or dimmers. Controllers are available in in-line styles, with wireless remotes, or as wall-switches.
    https://www.ivoryegg.co.uk/Ivory EggKNX - Dimmers - Ivory EggKNX LED dimmer Constant voltage 4gang with power adaptor. ABB 6155/40-500. KNX LED dimmer Constant voltage 4gang with power adaptor. 4 Channel&nbsp;...
    https://hickersonbrothers.com/Hickerson Brothers Electric ServiceServicesDimmers &amp; Lights - Hickerson Brothers Electric Service, Inc.Apr 15, 2016&nbsp;&#0183;&#32;The percentage of off-time a dimmer switch gives is created by chopping up the AC voltage on the circuit. This is perfect for incandescent bulbs, since it reduces the amount of energy they use while on, but it comes at a cost.&#194; Many dimmers only work with incandescent light bulbs.
    https://www.takethreelighting.com/Take Three LightingLight Switch Dimmers – TakeThreeLighting.comLight switch dimmers aren’t just for bedrooms or home theaters. They’re also great for office buildings, museums, bars, restaurants, hotels and a number of other commercial applications. Get a Custom Dimming Control Quote Let us customize the right lighting controls for your project needs.
    https://www.homemation.co.za/HomemationLutron Electronics, Inc. - Dimmers And Lighting ControlsLutron is the leader in the lighting control industry and offers a wide selection of energy saving dimmers and lighting control solutions. Lutron is the leader in the lighting control industry and offers a wide selection of energy saving dimmers and lighting control solutions.
    https://www.serenashades.com/Dimmable LED bulbs - Serena Shades1/2014 Lutron Electronics Co., Inc. I P/N 368-3415 REV B Dimmable LED bulbs Compatible with Casta M Wireless dimmers 2 PD-6WCL LED bulbs for Cas&#233;ta Wireless in-wall dimmer Brand Wattage Model number Description Philips 8W 9290002267 A19, 2700K, 478 Lumen
    https://earlgirlsinc.com/Earl Girls, Inc.Dimmers &amp; Distro | Earl Girls, Inc.Large selection of line and load connectors, amperages and number of outputs! For hoist distros see Rigging and Truss section. Description coming soon!
    http://lightingpalacenewyork.com/LIGHTING PALACE CORPDimmers - Lighting Controls - Lighting Fixtures | Lighting Palace43 Items ... Satco Products Inc. 80/1166 - Full Range Table Lamp Dimmer Switch Phenolic ... Satco Products Inc. S70/576 - 500W POST DIMMER 24" LEADS&nbsp;...
    https://www.lampspares.co.uk/In Line Dimmers - Lampspares.co.ukTable Lamp Dimmers come in Black, White or Gold in colour. Filter ... £16.99 (Inc. VAT) ... In Line Table Lamp Rotary Dimmer Black [037094 PLU2439].
    https://www.liquidleds.com.au/Liquid LEDsLED dimmers - LiquidLEDsMost people choose a dimmable light bulb for its aesthetics and practical benefits. However, there are some drawbacks with dimming switches - the first being that some LED bulbs aren't compatible. We have carefully curated our range to be compatible with the majority of Australian dimmers. We've put together a guide from shopping with dimmers, helping everybody with through the wonderful world ...
    https://jinhang.com.au/JINHANG LIGHTINGDimmers - Electrical - jinhang.com.auIn conjunction with our manufacturing partners, we are able to have strict quality control over our products and ensure that they not just match but exceed the Australian standard
    https://www.m-marcus.com/M MARCUSElectrical Accessories | Light Switches | Sockets ...Electrical Accessories, Light Switches , Sockets, Dimmers, Electrical Switches, Sockets with USB Charging from m.marcus.com
    http://www.qlitedirect.com/Qlite LimitedSwitch, Sockets, Dimmers, Sensors, LED &amp; Light Fittings ...QLITE Direct - Switch, Sockets, Dimmers, Sensors, LED &amp; Light Fittings, Media Hubs &amp; Hotel Room Management. ... QLITE Direct is the on-line arm of QLITE Limited UK, an ISO 9001 certified company, specialising in low voltage control systems and recognised for our ability to meet any market standards. ... QLITE Ltd. Unit 4, Severnlink, Newhouse ...
    http://www.maxioncorp.com/Home - Maxion Corp., Ltd..-LED Lights, LED Drivers,LED ...Maxion Corp., Ltd. About Us. Established in 1985, Maxion Electronic Co., Ltd is the professional manufacturer of dimmable LED driver, mains voltage dimmable LED lamp, low voltage dimmable LED lamp, dimmers, electronic transformer, electronic dimmable transformer, electronic dimmer, ballast for fluorescent, and etc.
    http://www.tslight.com/TIMES SQUARE LIGHTING Modular Rack Dimmers Dimmers - Times Square LightingModular Rack Dimmers Times Square Lighting 5 Kay Fries Drive • Stony Point, NY 10980 PH 845-947-3034 • FX 845-947-3047 DS Series Dimmers Leviton-NSI DS dimmer systems feature high power capacities in an easy to service compact and modular design. The DS digital dimmer systems combine convenient mobility with a rugged design and high caliber
    http://www.aescomn.com/Arrow Electrical SupplyProduct Lines - aescomn.comDimmers Pass Seymour. Fans Air King Air Master Fan Co. TPI Corp. Fasteners Minerallac NSI Industries Wire-Line. Fuses Cooper-Bussman. Heating Equip Cadet Radiant Honeywell TPI Corp Warmup Ideal Industries Milbank. Lamps Eiko Keystone Sylvania Shat-R-Shield

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