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    发表于 2019-11-3 12:14:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    http://www.parts-express.com/Parts ExpressParts Express: the #1 source for audio, video & speaker building componentsSpeaker Parts, Woofers, Raw Speakers and other Audio Video products available at Parts Express who stocks, ships fast &amp; ships free 15,000+ electronic parts at discounted prices
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    http://www.tropicalcyclocross.com/Tropical Cyclocross - Sporting Event - A Whole Weekend of Racing in Key BiscayneTropical Cyclocross Race - Sporting Event Miami Key Biscayne
    http://www.zseries.in/Heat Sinks - Z Series InnovationsHeat Sink - Various types of Heat Sinks, their working and application.
    https://www.pcrtechnologies.com/PCR Technologies, Inc.Heat Sink to Circuit Board Bonding Services - PCR Technologies, Inc.PCR Technologies, Inc. offers heatsink to circuit board bonding (PCB/PWB bonding) utilizing conductive adhesives, sweat solder bonding (vapor phase) and&nbsp;...
    http://www.sumitomoelectricusa.com/U S ElectricHeatsinks - Sumitomo Electric USASemiconductor devices have been continuously improving, and fostering incredible changes in the way we process data, communicate with each other, and&nbsp;...
    https://www.asacomputers.com/ASA ComputersHeat Sink | ASA ComputersHeat Sink | ASA Computers. ... Clearance products - Heat Sink. ... This is a Supermicro MFG#SNK-P0068AP4 2U Active CPU Heat Sink This CPU heat sink is designed for Supermicro X11DPL-i ... Copyright © 1989-2019 ASA Computers, Inc.
    https://ppmpower.co.uk/Custom Air Cooled Heatsinks - Pulse Power &amp; Measurement LtdCombining air cooled heatsinks with other technologies such as Heatpipes, heat spreaders and exchangers can vastly decrease the thermal resistance&nbsp;...
    https://www.plunkettassociates.co.uk/PLUNKETT ASSOCIATES LIMITEDDMLS Improves Heat Sink Performance | ExamplesPlunkett proves DMLS reduces temperature of heat sinks.
    http://www.scythe-eu.com/SCYTHE HOLDINGS CO.,LTD.VGA Chip Heatsinks : CPU Kühler, Lüfter, Lüftersteuerung von ScytheVGA Chip Heatsinks. The Scythe VGA Chip Heatsinks are ideal for every user, who would like to give some extra-cooling to their VGA-Cards.
    https://www.irwin-ind.com/IRWIN IndustrialFans, Heat Sinks and Thermal Management - IRWIN IndustrialHeat generated by electronic devices and broader circuits needs to be dissipated to improve component and product reliability. IRWIN provides a wide range of&nbsp;...
    https://transene.com/Transene Co IncXTHERM and XTHERM AG heat sink grease | TranseneHeat Sink for Electronic Applications. Thermally conductive heat sink grease applied to the base and mounting stud of transistors, diodes and rectifiers – as a&nbsp;...
    http://www.padaengineering.com/PADA ENGINEERING S.R.L.Standard Heat Sinks - - PADA EngineeringThis website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. By continuing to browse the site, you are ... Home &gt; Standard Heat Sinks&nbsp;...
    https://www.elprocus.com/What is a Heat Sink - Types and their InportanceWhat is a Heat Sink? Heat sink. Heat sink is an electronic component or a device of an electronic circuit which disperses heat from other components (mainly from the power transistors) of a circuit into the surrounding medium and cools them for improving their performance, reliability and also avoids the premature failure of the components. For the cooling purpose,it incorporates a fan or ...
    https://www.radianheatsinks.com/Radian Thermal Products, Inc.Heatsink - what is a heatsink? how it works, and types ...A heatsink is a passive heat exchanger that transfers heat. The heatsink is typically a metallic part which can be attached to a device releasing energy in the form of heat, with the aim of dissipating that heat to a surrounding fluid in order to prevent the device overheating.
    https://www.computerhope.com/Computer HopeWhat is a Heat Sink? - Computer HopeNov 13, 2018 ... Computer dictionary definition of what heat sink means, including related links, information, and terms.
    https://www.ctx.eu/CTX THERMAL SOLUTIONS GMBHHeat Sinks | CTX Thermal SolutionsCooling solutions from CTX are as versatile as the applications for which they are used. The exceptionally wide range of products on offer includes heat sinks for&nbsp;...
    https://www.rapidled.com/Rapid L E DHeatsinks - Rapid LEDAffordable LED Lighting for Growers and Makers. Build your own high quality LED lights using name brand parts at an affordable price. Minimal knowledge&nbsp;...
    https://www.alphanovatech.com/ALPHA NOVATECH INC.ALPHA Company / Alpha Novatech - Heat SinkAlpha Company Ltd./Alpha Novatech Inc Home Page -- Introduction of high performance heat sink made by MicroForging.
    https://www.webopedia.com/What is Heat Sink? Webopedia DefinitionA component designed to lower the temperature of an electronic device by dissipating heat into the surrounding air. All modern CPUs require a heat sink.
    https://www.ohmite.com/Ohmite ManufacturingIndustrial Heat Sinks - Custom Heat Sinks | Ohmite Mfg CoOhmite provides heat sinks to meet the needs of power resistors and all other active devices as well. Call today to find out about heatsinks with our patented clip&nbsp;...
    https://www.rfparts.com/RF PARTS COMPANYHeatsinks - RF PartsItems 1 - 10 of 27 ... HS50-5 Heatsink, Aluminum, 4-1/8&quot; x 5-1/8&quot;. $14.95. Add to Cart. HS50-5 Heat sink, Aluminum, 4-1/8&quot; x 5-1/8&quot; W/pre-drilled holes.
    http://www.bcae1.com/Heat Sinks - Basic Car Audio ElectronicsHeat Sink Basics: The reason an amplifier has a heavy aluminum outer case (heat sink) is to help dissipate heat. The heat sink is needed because no electronic&nbsp;...
    https://norenthermal.com/Heat Sinks | Noren Thermal, Inc.Heat Sinks. Noren Thermal Solutions Copper Finned heat sink offers the ultimate in forced air cooling. Power densities per square inch are forever increasing while space allotted for heat sinks is forever decreasing. With a thermal transfer rate almost double that of extruded aluminum heat sinks, copper finned heat sinks are an excellent choice.
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