Hello. Appeals to You Zhumabayeva Aziza Abdimanapovna. I'm logistics Manager at LLP "Daivn". I'm interested in the incandescent light bulb. I appeal to Your company with a business proposal.
1 g! K2 S) Z+ f% d: L- ]I am interested in incandescent lamp C parameters:% \4 c3 I& }+ ` ~ ?: w4 A" F
Incandescent lamp W-54-60v22d Railway:) ]4 ~3 t, V7 n1 ~9 i5 `
Power W: 60
6 j t2 i' W/ P, b- V% r1 L8 |+ ULuminous flux, LM: 810" a6 z8 z4 G' z1 Z3 Q* O
Service life, H.: 1000: ?$ U; T) d; }' Z
Cap type: B22d
: J& `& G/ L, r ^: nVoltage, V: 54
- L4 E( p' H% r/ [) ^6 d& A( YLamp Type: W 54-60
, U0 c. ^! l2 n6 Y+ FName: incandescent lamp.
# B8 V. {! [2 P, [* E/ L PDimensions, MM, Max: L = 98.5; D = 55.8* z% u8 L. [( b
Coating of flasks: Transparent
* n) f* U( V" j4 ZQuestions:. J3 J' F& M" b4 p5 t! h& _5 m0 c7 z
1. Volumes with which the supplier company works;
& B3 A* P) s0 i, Y) }2. Frequency of your purchases;4 i1 J9 v8 x' c, d: [; Y
3. Shipping methods and cost;; |, Q9 Y5 j: |/ \0 e. w
4. How is the refund in case of marriage;' f$ W- s7 c# o R
5. Providing product samples;
9 W8 d2 w5 U( H) F: O6. Could you send us a full price list of your products?
2 v1 W# ?1 Q5 a) nI hope for productive cooperation.
& T4 [1 i, _7 h6 F2 f7 Y% ~; gI will be happy to answer any questions you may have.# j; L' }. x- C3 N" i& t
Sincerely, Zhumabayeva AZIZA." W6 n1 n [2 [$ A; ~
Phone number: , ID
2 g1 L$ h- l( M/ i9 a4 I- E9 b: vAziza Zhumabayeva
/ L5 o* r( a' s) VAddress: Kazakhstan, Nur-Sultan, 19/2 Mangilik St., Apartment 3.
; r8 @" ?* v' h: C; BLamp Body Material:Glass" k* T; b8 J5 m; z; v, b# d6 N. c$ B" q
% p6 O7 x0 ?2 D8 L7 o. tGlass Lamp Body Material and RoHS Certification large edison bulb |