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[搜索开发] fluorescence fluorescences phytophotonics fluorescence fluorescentmanlighting

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    发表于 2019-12-27 21:19:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    http://www.fluorescence.se/Optonyx AB - FluorescensOptonyx AB Scandinavia&#39;s source for fluorescence filters from Semrock. Bandpass, band pass, longpass, long pass, shortpass, short pass, dichroic, dichroics, dikroid, filter, interference filters, optical filters, microscopy filters, fluorescence filters, flow cytometry filters, FRET, TIRF, FISH, DAPI, FITC, Fura-2, GFP, Alexa Fluor, mCherry, Cy5, Rhodamine, YFP, Cy7, ICG, Texas Red, TXRED, TRITC..
    http://www.fluorescences.fr/Fluorescences - AccueilBienvenue sur le site de la fluorescence Fluorescence, plongée à fluorescence, plongée fluo
    http://www.fluorescence.ch/X-Cite Fluorescence Illuminators and Equipment for Microscopy- fluorescence.ch  &#8212; fluorescence.chFrance+Suisse-Switzerland-Schweiz. - Official distributor  for X-Cite Fluorescence Lamps for Microscopy and Equipment. Distributeur officiel des lampes X-Cite pour la microscopie à fluorescence- Alternative to HBO mercury lamps.  Suisse-Schweiz-S X-Cite, LED, France, Suisse, fluorescence light source, microscope fluorescence, fluorescence microscopy, alternative HBO mercury lamps, fluorescence imaging, illumination, fluorophore, Suisse-Schweiz-Switzerland-France
    http://www.pti-nj.com/PHOTON TECHNOLOGY INTERNATIONAL INCPHOTON TECHNOLOGY INTERNATIONAL INCPTI - The Fluorescence Solutions Company | Complete Systems for Fluorescence Spectroscopy, Fluorescence Lifetimes, Fluorescence Imaging and Ionic Detection Photon Technology International designs, manufactures and markets proprietary electro-optical instruments. PTI offers complete systems for fluorescence spectroscopy, fluorescence lifetimes, fluorescence imaging and ionic detection. fluorescence, fluorescence lifetime, ratio fluorescence, time-resolved fluorescence, TCSPC, fluorescence imaging, ratio imaging, fluorescence decay, anisotropy, polarization, fluorimeter, fluorometer, spectrofluorometer, fluorescence instruments, fluorometer, steady s
    http://www.eblights.com/EB Fluorescent Co., Inc.EB Fluorescent Co., Inc.EB Lights & Supplies  EB Lights and Supplies
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    http://www.phytophotonics.com/PhytoPhotonicsPhytoPhotonicsYour Fluorescence Spectra Source We build and service a portable/field fluorescence spectrometer, provide laboratory excitation-emission-matrix fluorescence measurements, conduct field measurements for the customer, and have conducted small scale plant stress experiments on-property. fluorescence measurements,fluorescence spectra,excitation spectra,emission spectra,fluorescence spectroscopy,excitation-emission-matrix,excitation-emission-spectra,eem,ees,solar fluorescence,solar induced,fld,fraunhofer depth,fraunhofer depth metho
    http://www.videssence.com/VidessenceVidessenceVidessence Fluorescent Lighting Systems VIDESSENCE is the leading supplier of energy-efficient fluorescent and LED lighting systems for television, studio, ENG, and corporate applications. The company manufactures, markets, and distributes a comprehensive variety of lighting products, controls and systems that provide technical and artistic superiority. video lighting, fluorescent lighting, video lighting fixtures, video conferencing solution, lighting fixtures
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    http://www.videssence.tv/Videssence, LLCVidessence, LLCVidessence Fluorescent Lighting Systems VIDESSENCE is the leading supplier of energy-efficient fluorescent and LED lighting systems for television, studio, ENG, and corporate applications. The company manufactures, markets, and distributes a comprehensive variety of lighting products, controls and systems that provide technical and artistic superiority. video lighting, fluorescent lighting, video lighting fixtures, video conferencing solution, lighting fixtures
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    http://www.edinst.com/Edinburgh InstrumentsEdinburgh InstrumentsEdinburgh Instruments - Fluorescence Spectroscopy Edinburgh Instruments global provider of state-of-the art analytical Instrumentation for fluorescence spectroscopy including picosecond and gas lasers
    http://www.fluortools.com/The fluorescence laboratory.Download freeware for the optical laboratory. The site includes documentation and related information.
    http://www.danecolor.com/Dane Color UK LtdDane Color UK LtdDane Color
    http://www.novadaq.com/NOVADAQNOVADAQNOVADAQ SPY Fluorescence Imaging NOVADAQ SPY Fluorescence Imaging technology provides surgeons with real-time visualization of perfusion, which may lead to improved outcomes and reduced costs
    http://www.ledfluorescent.org/Led Fluorescent Lights - Secure Online ShopWelcome to Led Fluorescent Lights where you can find the best products at the best prices. Shop securely online today! lights,fluorescent,lighting,leds,efficient
    http://www.fcsxpert.com/Sensor TechnologiesSensor TechnologiesFCSXpert&trade; Solutions - Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy, Simplified Hardware, Software, and Educational Solutions for Users of FCS fcs, FCS, fluorescence correlation, fluorescence correlation spectroscopy, fcsxpert, fcsexpert, quantumxpert, quantumexpert
    http://www.fluoptics.com/FluopticsFluopticsFluoptics &#8211; European leader in fluorescence imaging
    http://www.kloxtechnologies.com/Klox Technologies Inc.Klox Technologies Inc.Klox Technologies | Fluorescence Generating Technology Private biomedical technology innovator that targets specific skin and soft tissue conditions by controlling the benefits of fluorescence generated energy.
    http://www.tautec.com/TauTec: Fluorescence Lifetime, Multifocal Multiphoton Microscopy and SpectroscopyTautec offers ultrahigh rep. rate, picosecond gated, gain modulated intensified CCD cameras, multifocal multiphoton, laser scanning confocal, FLIM, FRET, FRAP, microscope workstations for real-time 3D fluorescence microscopy, fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy, low-light sensitive, fast readout, high-speed CCD and CMOS cameras, time-lapse, ratio imaging, anisotropy, spectral imaging, confocal, nonlinear laser scanning microscopy, time-gated Raman imaging and spectroscopy. customi fluoresce
    http://www.theinstituteoffluorescence.com/Institute of Fluorescence (IoF)
    http://www.troffers.net/Troffer Co.Troffer Co.Industrial Fluorescent Lighting | Troffers | Metal Halide Do you need industrial pendants for your commercial building? We have troffers for LED, fluorescent, and metal halide.  Call now ask about FREE SHIPPING! metal halide, industrial pendants, troffer
    http://www.fluorescencedetector.com/Refurbished Fluorescence Detectors
    http://www.harisonphoto.com/Harison Photo ProductsHarison Photo ProductsStudio Flash Lights, Umbrella Lights, Fluorescent Lights Studio Flash Lights, Umbrella Lights, Fluorescent Lights, Spiral Lamps, Camera Slider, Tripods for Still camera, Camera Stands, Tripods for video cameras.
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    http://www.jcucl.com/JC Universal Company LimitedJC Universal Company LimitedJC Universal Group Limited JC Universal Group Limited
    http://www.uvoil.com/LEDdynamics Oil Fluorescing UV Spotlights and FloodlightsLED Dynamics manufactures the most powerful UV Spotlights and UV Floodlights in the World. [uv oil], oil leak detector, oil remediation, germicidal ultraviolet light, uv beach, cleaning oil spill, uv oil, beach oil, oil light, fluorescence detectors, fluorescence detector, oil spill clean up, fuel leak detection, oil spill containment, oil spill response, fuel oil spill, cleaning up oil spill, black light led, rip kirby, oil spill bioremediation, uv leak detector, oil pollution spill, oil leak d
    http://www.qbcdiagnostics.com/Drucker Diagnostics Clinical Centrifuges &amp; Hematology InstrumentsDrucker Diagnostics Clinical Centrifuges &amp; Hematology Instruments
    http://www.quartzwindow.co.uk/Knight Optical (UK) LtdKnight Optical (UK) LtdQuartz Windows | fluorescence applications | UV fused silica Knight Opitcal stock quartz windows can also be antireflective coated to increase transmission performance Quartz Windows, fluorescence applications, UV fused silica, stock quartz windows, UV applications, transmission performance, Knight Opitcal
    - R& ~. k+ A6 Z+ V4 I

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