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    https://www.keystonedepot.com/High Pressure Sodium Ballast | HPS Ballast35 Watt High Pressure Sodium Ballast - Lamps: 35W S76 High Pressure Sodium -Input:120V Learn More. Add to Favorites | Add to Compare; Keystone HPS-50R-1-KIT 50 Watt High Pressure Sodium (HPS) Ballast Kit. Regular Price: $29.50 . Special Price $21.90 . Add to Cart ...
    http://www.altgarden.com/Alternative Garden SupplyPlant Grow Light Lamps &amp; Bulbs | High Pressure Sodium | HPSHigh pressure sodium (HPS) grow light lamps come in a wide variety of wattages and color outputs for horticultural purposes. They are traditionally preferred for their ability to enhance the fruiting and flowering stages of plant growth and are the preferred lamp for greenhouse applications.
    https://www.midwestsupplies.com/Midwest SuppliesHigh Pressure Sodium - Hydroponics | Midwest SuppliesHome wine making, home brewing, hydroponic &amp; gardening supplies. Thirsty for your own beer, wine, kombucha &amp; more? We supply the freshest ingredients, time-saving tools &amp; expert guidance you need to DIY deliciously. Free Shipping on orders over $45, $7.99 flat rate shipping on everything else.
    https://www.lighting-pros.com/Lighting SalesCheap High Pressure Sodium Lights - Lighting-Pros.comLighting Sales, LLC has a variety of cheap high-pressure sodium lights available that are ideal for various applications including indoor gardening, automotive headlamps, flashlights, and even underwater diving equipment. Our HPS HID light bulbs come in a range of average life hours, wattage's, manufacturers, and shape.
    http://www.arklighting.com/ARK LIGHTING LOS ANGELESHigh Pressure Sodium - Lamps - Commercial HIDHigh Pressure Sodium; Electronic Ballst ; Magnetic Metal Halide ; Lamps. Metal Halide. Standard; Pulse Strike; Protected; High Pressure Sodium; Mercury Vapor; Accessories &amp; Options. Pipes &amp; Brackets; Wall Pack Wire Guards; Wall Pack Vandal Shield; Wall Pack Visors; High &amp; Low Bay Accessories; Low Voltage . Recessed . Trims. 1000-2500 Series ...
    http://www.westinghouselighting.com/wlla corp.(westinghouse lightingLight Bulbs | Lamps | Ballasts - Lighting Fixtures | LampsHID Bulbs. The Westinghouse HID light bulb assortment includes pulse start and protected metal halides, high pressure sodium and mercury vapor options.
    https://www.gescan.com/GescanHID High Pressure Sodium Lamps - gescan.comShop HID High Pressure Sodium Lamps at Gescan.com. Fast, Nationwide Delivery. Over 40,000 Product Available Online. Shop Now.
    https://www.prolighting.com/PRO LightingHigh Pressure Sodium (HPS) Ballasts - PROLighting.comHPS (high pressure sodium) lamps have been a staple in outdoor lighting applications for decades. Install a high pressure sodium lamp in your parking lot for security, or add perimeter lighting to your property to help deter crime.
    https://www.hawthornegc.ca/Eye Hortilux&#174; Super HPS - High Pressure Sodium Lamps ...Provides 25% more energy in the violet, blue and green spectrum than standard High Pressure Sodium. The combination of Super HPS and the Metal Ace conversion lamp provides the optimum spectral energy levels through all stages of plant growth. EN designation means environmentally friendly in that the lamp passes EPA, TCLP test criteria as non-hazardous waste.
    https://www.topnotchelectricalservices.com/Top Notch Electrical SvcTop Notch Electrical Services, LLChigh-pressure sodium. lamps, metal halide. or mercury vapor lamps. Cleaning light fixtures to allow for even light distribution and increased safety. Group re-lamping of your entire parking lot. SIGN MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR. Neon and fluorescent sign repair.
    http://www.ncwgs.com/Wholesale CityHortilux Super HPS - High Pressure Sodium Lamps - Nickel ...Hortilux Super HPS - High Pressure Sodium Lamps Provides 25% more energy in violet, blue and green spectrum than standard High Pressure Sodium. The combination of Super HPS and the Metal Ace conversion lamp provides the optimum spectral energy levels through all stages of plant growth.
    https://www.ledvance.com/The operation principle: Generating light through gas ...This website uses cookies to offer you certain services and to enhance your user experience. ... High-pressure sodium lamps. High-pressure sodium lamps provide the highest luminous efficiency of all. high-pressure discharge lamps – as much as 150 lumens per watt! Advantages.
    https://www.shatrshield.com/Shat-R-Shield, Inc.Safety HID, Safety Coated High Pressure Sodium Lamps (HPS ...High Pressure Sodium Lamps (HPS) are the most efficient source of high intensity light and are also available in non-cycling versions.
    https://www.ballasts.com/High Pressure Sodium Ballasts | Constant-Wattage ...High Pressure Sodium (HPS) ballasts are electromagnetic and/or electronic circuitry devices that starts and stabilizes a lamp's arc discharge, in addition to modifying its external power supply. Four types of basic HPS ballast types are:
    https://www.provisionlamp.com/LED HIGH PRESSURE SODIUM RETROFIT LAMPS - Provision LampLED HID RETROFIT HIGH PRESSURE SODIUM replacement lamps are a quick easy way to big energy savings and virtually eliminated maintenance expenses. Available in PLUG&ampLAY simply screw in/install new LED Lamp into the fixture and the lamp operates on the existing ballast. BALLAST BYPASS Line Voltage models also available.
    https://www.svetila.com/Svetila.com - Lighting, Lamps, Light Bulbs and LuminairesHigh-pressure sodium lamps | Svetila.comHigh-pressure sodium lamps provide the highest luminous efficiency of all high-pressure discharge lamps – as much as 150 lumens per watt! They are the most economical light sources in general lighting.
    http://mercron.com/MERCRON, Inc.High-Pressure (HP) SODIUM Illumination Controllers - Mercron, IncMechanically durable and rugged, High Pressure Sodium lamps provide the highest luminous efficacy of all practical light sources. Paired with a MERCRON&nbsp;...
    http://www.phoenixlighting.com/Phoenix Products Company Inc.PHOENIXPHOENIX 7 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS AND REPAIR PARTS LIST FOR. HIGH PRESSURE SODIUM INTEGRAL BALLAST FLOODLIGHTS. 120 VOLTS, 50-150 WATTS. Models MSD 50HPS-120, MSD 70HPS-120, MSD 100HPS-120, MSD 150HPS-120. LAMPING. Before lamping or re-lamping, make sure t hat power is turned off to the fixture. To gain access to the lamp compartment, loosen ...
    https://www.ecmweb.com/Electrical Construction &amp; MaintenanceHID Lamp Dimming | Electrical Construction &amp; Maintenance ...The reason is that high-pressure sodium lamps can take three to five minutes to warm up; they take less than a minute to hot re-strike but don't reach full light for three to four minutes. Metal halide lamps take two to 10 minutes to warm up and 12 to 20 minutes to hot re-strike, while pulse-start metal halide lamps take only one to two minutes.
    https://www.healthyharvest.com/Healthy HarvestEye Hortilux&#174; Super HPS - High Pressure Sodium LampsThe Eye Super HPS EN Grow Lamps provide 17% more total energy and 25% more energy in the violet, blue, and green spectrum than standard high pressure sodium lamps. These lamps are environmentally friendly and pass EPA TCLP test criteria as non-hazardous waste.
    https://www.tcpi.com/TCP LightingHID - TCP LightingMetal Halide &amp; High Pressure Sodium Lamps . LIMITED WARRANTY. This TCP product is warranted for a period of one year from date of original purchase against defects in materials and workmanship. If this product should fail to operate due to defects in materials or workmanship, simply return this product to the place of purchase or to TCP Service ...
    https://lampmaster.com/Cleanlites Recycling, Inc (CRI)Metal Halide Bulb Recycling Kit - LampMaster Mail-Back ...LampMaster's Metal Halide Bulb Recycling Kit provides everything you need to safely and conveniently collect and recycle your metal halide, HID, or high-pressure sodium lamps. The one upfront price covers the container, processing of the materials, and shipping both ways.
    https://www.edwardssupply.com/Edwards Supply Co., Inc.HID High Pressure Sodium Lamps - Edwards SupplyHID High Pressure Sodium Lamps. Products from this Category. Showing 20 results Sort By: Tile View List View. SATCO S1927 LU200ET18. HID Lamp /LU200/ET18 E39 CLR LAMP MFR: Satco Products, Inc. MFRPN: S1927 (LU200/ET18) Lead Time: 15 Days Price12.53 per 1 EA . QTY: SATCO S1928 LU1000ET25. HID Lamp /LU1000/ET25 E39 CLR LAMP ...
    https://hubbellcdn.com/Pulse Start Metal Halide / High Pressure SodiumPulse Start Metal Halide / High Pressure Sodium revision 8/15/11 • 6360.pdf Lamp Housingie-cast brass lamp housing with porcelain medium base socket, 4KV pulse rated. Convex tempered clear glass lens. Reflector: Spun specular Alzak&#174; aluminum. Available in spot or narrow flood beam spreads. Easily removed for PAR lamps if desired.
    http://www.hydroponicsmegastore.com/High Pressure Sodium | HPS | EYE Hortilux | Ultra Sun HPS ...High Pressure Sodium (HPS) Provides 34% more available energy than the standard high pressure sodium lamp Deliver an optimized spectrum and high level of Photosynthetic Active Radiation to promote healthy plant growth Provide exceptional performance on both magnetic and electronic ballasts Have strengthened seals and a reinforced arc frame to ensure that they will provide long lasting ...
    https://www.murraysupply.com/Murray Supply CompanyMurray Supply | Plumbing and HVAC Product Solutions |High ...High Pressure Sodium Lamps. This account is locked from requesting quotes and placing orders. Please contact your sales associate or local branch for further details
    http://www.frontierlighting.com/Frontier Lighting IncFrontier Lighting, Inc. - LampsLamps. Lamps. Page Loading... LED &quot;A&quot; Shaped (Household) MR16; BR30; PAR; Plug-In (2-pin and 4-pin) View More; INCANDESCENT &quot;A&quot; Shaped (Household) ... Plug-In (2-pin and 4-pin) HALOGEN: PAR; Bi-Pin; Miniature Reflectors; Double-Ended Quartz; Xenon; View More; HIGH INTENSITY DISCHARGE: High Pressure Sodium (HPS) Low Pressure Sodium (LPS) Metal ...
    https://www.rablighting.com/HID Replacements - rablighting.comand IP65 rated, these lamps can be used nearly anywhere. Compact design also allows these lamps to fit into most fixtures in the market. Post Top or &quot;corn cob&quot; lamps replace conventional metal halide and high pressure sodium, and feature a conical design that emits light in all directions. FEATURES Post Tops | HID Replacements Wattage EQ Model ...
    https://thelightingfactory.com/High Bay / Low Bay High Pressure Sodium | The Lighting ...High Bay / Low Bay High Pressure Sodium - We are a full line lighting distributor with a complete line of fixtures, lamps and components, including hard-to-find lamps, ballasts, and other parts.
    https://www.lightsbyhh.com/Lights by H & HHigh Pressure Sodium - Lights by H&amp;Hinfo@lightsbyhh.com Phone: 309-742-8674 Fax: 309-742-7071 110 W Main Street Elmwood, IL 61529-9608
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