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    发表于 2019-12-28 12:38:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    https://www.ledvance.asia/LEDVANCEHigh-pressure sodium vapor lamps for open and enclosed ...VIALOX NAV-E High-pressure sodium vapor lamps for open and enclosed luminaires VIALOX NAV-E/I High-pressure sodium vapor lamps with internal igniter VIALOX NAV-T SUPER XT High-pressure sodium vapor This website uses cookies to offer you certain services and to enhance your user experience. ... Ability International LTD, Peterborough ...
    https://mygreenplanet.com/GREEN PLANET WHOLESALES AGENT FORSolis Tek High Pressure Sodium Bulb – GreenPlanet LTD, INCSolisTek High Pressure Sodium (HPS) Digital Lamps SolisTek High Frequency HPS offers:-Color Enhanced Full Balanced Spectrum-Prolonged Lamp Life-Less Depreciation of PAR and Lumen Output over time.-Precise Gas Combination for Increased Blues, Reds &amp; UV-Proper UV Balance-Advanced HID Lamp Design-Lamps made by Life Scientists for plants -Best ...
    https://www.reade.com/Reade Advanced MaterialsSodium (Na) Metallic Pieces (in oil) - reade.comHigh-pressure sodium lamps give a more natural peach-colored light, composed of wavelengths spread much more widely across the spectrum. As a heat transfer fluid in some types of nuclear reactors and inside the hollow valves of high-performance internal combustion engines.
    https://braseelectrical.com/Brase Electrical ContractingCommercial Electrical Contractors in Omaha, NE - Brase ...High-Pressure Sodium And Metal Halide Lamp Repair/Replacement. High-pressure sodium and metal halide lights produce an intense white light that also has a high color-rendering index. These bulbs generate light through an electric arc that passes through a blend of mercury and metal halide vapor, which usually includes things like iodine or bromine.
    https://www.1000bulbs.com/Service Lighting &amp; ElectricalLow Pressure Sodium Lamps (SOX-E,SOX) - 1000bulbs.comLow Pressure Sodium Lamps (SOX-E,SOX) High energy efficiency low pressure sodium lamps for indoor and outdoor applications. CC B A B A C CC C ... Low Pressure Sodium Lamps (SOX-E and SOX) Title: Philips 32151-3 Brochure Author: 1000bulbs.com Subject: Shop for Philips 32151-3 light bulbs. Compare this bulb to others to find one to fit your needs.
    https://www.iqlighting.com/iQLighting - Sylvania Light Bulbs, Sylvania Bulbs ...&#187; High Pressure Sodium Ballasts &#187; Metal Halide Ballasts ... OSRAM SYLVANIA is committed to developing lamps and ballasts that ultimately create innovative products that exceed customer expectations. Our products are designed to deliver the assurance of quality to our customers that comes from focused, innovative engineering and manufacturing ...
    https://civicrecycling.com/Services - Civic Recycling, #1 Electric Parts Store ...Services from Civic Recycling include electrical products and also circuit breaker testing. In addition we recycle fluorescent ballasts, lamps and fixtures. ... high-pressure sodium, low-pressure sodium or mercury vapour lamps for disposal or recycling.
    https://www.energyavenue.com/Energy AvenueEnergy AvenueCall our Lighting and Electrical Concierge - We are happy to help! Not sure what wattage to buy? Unsure what light fixture will work? We have solutions for you.
    https://safetybulbs.com/HPS Safety Coated, Shatter Resistant, High Pressure Sodium ...High Pressure Sodium (HPS) Shatter Resistant Safety Coated Lamps are used in industrial and commercial applications where high brightness and low energy consumption is desired. Use these bulbs as replacements in any fixture where bulb breakage can cause injury and product contamination.
    https://www.lightbulbsdirect.com/Light Bulbs, Etc, Inc.Metal Halides, High Pressure Sodium, Mercury VaporHigh Intensity Discharge (H.I.D.) are lamps in which an arc passing between two electrodes in a pressurized tube causes various metallic additives to vaporize and release large amounts of light. Three types of lamps are currently available on the market: Mercury Vapor, Metal Halide, and High Pressure Sodium.
    https://www.acklandsgrainger.com/rb&w shanghai cftLUMAPRO LAMP HIGH PRESSURE SODIUM LU250/S50 - HID Lamps …Find your LUMAPRO LAMP HIGH PRESSURE SODIUM LU250/S50 at Acklands-Grainger. We have been Canada's premiere industrial supplier for over 125 years with superior service and quality.
    https://www.lightbulbsurplus.com/LightBulbSurplus.comHigh Pressure Sodium - Wall Packs - Security Light ...Floor and Table Lamps. Track Lighting. LED Lay-In Troffers. 2X2 Square Troffers. 2x4 Rectangular Troffers. 1X4 Strip Troffers. Security Light Fixtures. Porch Light Fixtures. LED. ... 70W High Pressure Sodium Outdoor Security Wall Mount Fixture . $78.90 each As low as: $74.96 . Quantity. Add to cart. TWAC 100S 120 LPI | 100W HPS Bronze Mini ...
    https://www.ledvance.in/High-pressure sodium lamps - full power and ultra-long ...Sodium vapor lamps achieve the highest luminous efficiency of all high-pressure discharge lamps, designed by OSRAM with advanced technology. This website uses cookies to offer you certain services and to enhance your user experience. By continuing to use our website, you ...
    https://www.greenhousegrower.com/Greenhouse Grower magazineComparing LED Lighting To High-Pressure Sodium Lamps ...Sep 13, 2013&nbsp;&#0183;&#32;Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) are solid-state, semi-conducting diodes that can emit light from ~250 nm to ≥1000 nm. There are several features of LEDs that make them attractive alternatives to high-pressure sodium (HPS) lamps.
    http://www.atlaslightingproducts.com/Lighting ProductsHigh Pressure Sodium Lamps | Atlas Lighting ProductsAtlas Lighting offers a wide selection of energy-saving LED, Fluorescent, and HID lighting products that are manufactured in our Burlington, NC facility, providing&nbsp;...
    https://www.johncribb.co.uk/JOHN CRIBBHigh Pressure Sodium (SON) - Discharge Lamps - Lamps &amp; Tubes ...HIGH PRESSURE SODIUM HPS SON, Elliptical 70W 2000K ES-E27 Lamp, EXTERNAL IGNITOR. Excl. VAT: £9.95 Incl. VAT: £11.94. Add to Basket.
    https://www.growell.co.uk/GroWell HydroponicsHigh Pressure Sodium Grow Lights - Flowering Stage Grow LampsJul 27, 2011 ... The standard Sodium Lamp generates light in the orange/red spectrum and is perfect for developing flowering plants. When used as part of a&nbsp;...
    http://www.uvelectric.com/High power electronic ballasts for medium pressure UV lamps - HomeUV Electric designs, sales and provides application support for high-power electronic ballasts for UV lamps electronic ballast for uv lamps, high-power electronic ballast, electromagnetic ballast, ballast, EM ballast, high-power, power supply for gaseous discharge lamp, ultraviolet, ultra, violet, light, germicidal lamp, ultraviolet water purifiers, uv purification, uv equipment, uv lamps, air disinfection systems, curing, gaseous lamps, medium pressure lamp, high pressure lamp, low pressure lam
    http://www.technikengineering.com/Pressure washer equipment | Tank cleaning | Industrial cleaning | High pressure washer | High pressure cleaning | Industrial cleaning equipments | Pressure cleaning | Water jet cleaningSuppliers of industrial cleaning equipments like high pressure washer, dewatering pump, submersible dewatering pump, dewatering pump supplier, uv lamp, uv lamp supplier, germicidal uv lamp, portable uv lamp, uv lamp for wter treatment, uv lamp filter, uv lamp portable high pressure washers, high pressure washer, pressure washer, pressure washers, industrial cleaning, industrial cleaning equipments, industrial cleaning machines, industrial cleaning products, tank cleaning equipments, water tank c
    http://www.daslighting.com/Ford Light IncFord Light IncDAS Lighting - The Future of Induction Lighting  induction lighting, metal halide, high pressure sodium, led, low maintenance lighting, green, sustainable, retrofit, bay area
    http://www.ballastdiscount.com/Philips Advance Ballast in stock at great pricesComplete selection of HID, Fluorescent and LED ballast and supplies. Philips Advance Ballast, MEtal Halide, High Pressure Sodium, Fluorescent. Core &amp;amp; Coil
    http://www.teklyte.com/Teklyte.com | Creators of high-tech lightingCreators of high-tech lighting
    http://www.lightbulbsuperstoreusa.com/Light Bulb Super StoreWe stock over 10,000 light bulbs which includes all replacement lighting. Choose Light Bulb Super Store USA for all your lighting needs! Light Bulbs, HID, CFL, Xenon, LED, Halogen, Metal Halide, High Pressure Sodium
    http://www.reductionsolutions.net/Energy Efficient Lighting: Commercial Energy Reduction Solutions for Cities and CompaniesEnergy Efficient Lighting: Commercial Energy Reduction Solutions for Cities and Companies Energy Efficient, Lighting, Commercial Lighting, Energy Reduction, Lightmaster, High Pressure Sodium Lighting, Metal Halide Lighting
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    http://www.doelcher.com/DOELCHER LIGHTING INNOVATIONS INCDOELCHER LIGHTING INNOVATIONS INCDoelcher Lighting Innovations, Rio Vista California LED Lighting, Induction Lighting, Commercial Light Fixtures, Grow Lights, Lighting Retrofits, Metal Halide, High-Pressure Sodium, Fluorescent
    http://www.citilux-led.com/CitiluxCitiluxHome | Citilux-Led.Com Metal halide, high pressure sodium, fluorescent tubes and LED lights are the common choices for high bay lights. metal, tubes, led, light, industry, high bay, street light, solar panel, metal, flood
    http://www.ledconversionsinc.com/LED Conversions, Inc.LED Conversions, Inc.LED Conversions, Inc. LED Conversions Inc. - LED lighting conversion best-led distributors, best led distributors, led, hps, retrofits,   high pressure sodium to led, metal halide to led, converting to led, convert to led,   led exterior fixtures, exterior led lights, lights, exterior, efficient lighting
    http://www.methodseven.com/Method SevenMethod SevenGrow Room Glasses &amp; Optics | METHOD SEVEN Optics Patent pending technology delivers &quoterfect Color&quot; light balancing to revolutionize the indoor lighting work environment. Glass and polycarbonate products provide amazing performance for high pressure sodium (HPS), LED, and metal halide (MH)environments. M7, Method Seven, grow room glasses, optics, Fission Series, Rendition, clothing, accessories, Mens, Womens
    http://www.jeokekeandco.com/J.E. OKEKE &amp; CO NIG. LTD.:: bulbs industrial belts and filters supply and servicing company in nigeria, various types of bulbs, industrial filters, industrial belts, fluorescent tubes, High voltbulbs, industrial belts and filters supply and servicing company in nigeria, various types of bulbs, industrial filters, industrial belts, fluorescent tubes, High volts bulbs, all kinds of mercury bulbs, sodium lamps, high metal lights, halogen lamps, low voltage bulbs, and normal bulbs ranging from 40 60 100 200 300 watts, screw and pin bulbs, in Nigeria Lagos, west africa industrial filters, industrial belts, fluorescent tubes, High volts bulbs, all kinds of mercury bulbs, sodium lamps, high m
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