Hello, I found your company and hav had some contact with one of your employees Mrs. Vivian He.
4 X2 ~, D Q5 e. |8 nUnfortunately the chat function on it, gives me problems, so I would rather have contact through e-mail.
% K( i: W- y* i S6 o5 @+ Z7 |3 xThat is why I contact you through your website.
( J9 B& f, X# B% {" A5 U" f" `My name is John Santegoeds, owner of Avicultuur-led.
1 [4 I9 t3 T" A5 GOur adress; van Dijkstraat 29, 5715AT, Lierop, Netherlands.% |0 K4 {3 }/ }( ~9 }
We sell 12volt LED-light-installations for birds cages.4 j. u% ~2 A3 g6 i E7 R4 W
I could be in the market for 12V WATERPROOF LED POWER SUPPLY, Constant Voltage in 30-60-100-150-200-250 and 300 watt.) f3 X3 s0 N4 H3 \/ {3 L
All in 12 volt for European market (230 volt) including European plug installed.
6 A0 O" g9 T8 u6 \7 L1 D lBecause we sell only for birdscages, we have a small company.
# U3 l( @2 E7 _8 Q! ?' @2 KWe focus on 100% TOP Best quality products!
' I- f9 |. N7 dIf possible I would order MOQ 100 psc of 30-60-and 100 watt devices, 150-200-250 and 300 watt maybe 50 psc, maximum......
4 i+ B9 E. _! ]( XI would need to have these devices customized with an European AC plug, is that possible?
) K8 X" _" ~! J, l* E; h/ E+ OYou can check our website; www.avicultuur-led.nl/en& M2 k. ^/ W. W5 O
I would be happy to have contact to discuss further details and the option to have some samples send to me for testing.
; ~( o* D* k# UOur company is focust on 100% TOP Quality products only.8 X3 R% B9 ?7 U
Greetings, John Santegoeds3 B% T& T) N- I8 |1 U0 C
" ]# K! m* p+ N1 u8 ^3 d
4 o0 m4 w$ P5 I/ Z$ } |